The main problem related to passing data in react router history,push is that the data is not persisted across page refreshes. When a user refreshes the page, the data stored in history.push will be lost and will not be available for use on subsequent page loads. This can lead to unexpected behavior and can cause issues when trying to access or store data from a previous page load.
import { useHistory } from "react-router-dom"; const MyComponent = () => { const history = useHistory(); const handleClick = (data) => { history.push({ pathname: "/mypage", state: data }); }; return <button onClick={() => handleClick({ someData: "data" })}>Go</button>; };
1. This line imports the useHistory hook from the react-router-dom library, which provides access to the history object that keeps track of the current location in the app.
2. This line declares a functional component called MyComponent and assigns it to a constant variable.
3. This line uses the useHistory hook imported in line 1 to get access to the history object and assign it to a constant variable called history.
4. This line declares a function called handleClick that takes an argument called data and pushes an object containing pathname and state properties onto the history stack using history.push().
5. This line returns a button element with an onClick event handler that calls handleClick() with an object containing someData as its argument when clicked by a user.
History push
History push in React Router is a method used to programmatically change the URL in the browser without causing a page refresh. It allows developers to create single-page applications that are still able to handle navigation and deep linking. History push works by using the browser’s history API, which allows developers to manipulate the current URL without reloading the page. This makes it possible for users to navigate between different pages of an application without having to reload each time. Additionally, it can be used for deep linking, allowing users to link directly into specific parts of an application.
How do I use history in react router
React Router provides a way to use history in your React applications. History allows you to keep track of the current page, as well as any previous pages that have been visited. This is useful for creating navigation and keeping track of user actions.
To use history in React Router, you need to create a history object using the createHistory() method from the history package. This will give you access to methods such as push(), replace(), and go(). These methods allow you to manipulate the browser’s URL and navigate between different routes in your application. You can also use the listen() method to listen for changes in the URL and update your application accordingly.
Once you have created a history object, you can pass it into your router component when creating it. This will allow React Router to keep track of all changes made by users and update accordingly.
Using history with React Router makes it easier for developers to create powerful navigation components that are easy for users to understand and interact with.