Solved: react router using static styles

The main problem related to using static styles with React Router is that it can be difficult to keep track of the different routes and their associated styles. With static styles, each route needs to have its own set of CSS rules, which can quickly become unwieldy and hard to maintain. Additionally, if a style is used in multiple routes, it needs to be duplicated across all of them, making it difficult to keep the code DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself).

import React from 'react';
import { BrowserRouter as Router, Route, Link } from 'react-router-dom';
import styled from 'styled-components';
const StyledLink = styled(Link)`
  color: palevioletred;
  font-weight: bold;

  &:hover {
    color: white;
    text-decoration: none;  

 const App = () => (   <Router>     <div>       <ul>         <li><StyledLink to="/">Home</StyledLink></li>         <li><StyledLink to="/about">About</StyledLink></li>       </ul>       <hr />       <Route exact path="/" component={Home} />       <Route path="/about" component={About} />     </div>   </Router>) ;

 const Home = () => (   <div>     <h2>Home</h2>   </div>) ;

 const About = () => (   <div>     <h2>About</h2>   </div>) ;

 export default App;

1. The first line imports the React library.
2. The second line imports the BrowserRouter, Route, and Link components from the react-router-dom library.
3. The third line imports the styled component from styled-components library.
4. The fourth line creates a StyledLink component using the Link component imported from react-router-dom and styles it with color: palevioletred and font-weight: bold, as well as a hover effect that changes its color to white and removes any text decoration when hovered over.
5. The fifth line creates an App component that renders a Router component with two Route components inside of it (one for Home and one for About). It also renders an unordered list of two links (Home and About) using the StyledLink component created in Line 4 above them both separated by an hr tag for styling purposes.
6. Lines 8 – 11 create two functional components called Home and About that render h2 tags with their respective names inside them when called upon by their respective Route components in Line 5 above them both (Home renders “Home” while About renders “About”).
7. Finally, Line 12 exports the App component so it can be used elsewhere in our application if needed

Static Styles

Static styles in React Router are styles that are applied to a component and remain the same regardless of any changes to the component’s state or props. This is in contrast to dynamic styles, which change depending on the state or props of a component. Static styles can be used to create a consistent look and feel across an application, as well as provide an easy way for developers to quickly style components without having to manually adjust them every time there is a change.

styled-components package

Styled-components is a popular package for React Router that allows developers to create and manage component-level styles in their React applications. It provides an easy way to write CSS code that is scoped to a single component, making it easier to maintain and debug. Styled-components also makes it easier to share styles across multiple components, as well as providing support for theming. Additionally, styled-components can be used with React Router’s Link component, allowing developers to style links within their application.

How to use Static Styles

Static styles can be used in React Router by using the inline style attribute. This attribute allows you to apply a style directly to an element without the need for a separate stylesheet. To use static styles in React Router, you will need to create a style object and then pass it as an argument to the component’s style prop. For example:

const myStyle = {
backgroundColor: ‘#f2f2f2′,
fontSize: ’20px’,
color: ‘#000’

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