Solved: how to install react router dom version 5

The main problem related to installing React Router DOM version 5 is that it is not backwards compatible with earlier versions of React Router. This means that if you have an existing application built on an earlier version of React Router, you will need to rewrite your code in order to use the new version. Additionally, some of the features and APIs available in earlier versions may not be available in the latest version, so you may need to adjust your code accordingly.

To install React Router DOM version 5, you can use either npm or yarn.

Using npm: 
1. Run the command `npm install react-router-dom@5` in your terminal. 
2. Once the installation is complete, import the components you need into your React application. 

Using yarn: 
1. Run the command `yarn add react-router-dom@5` in your terminal. 
2. Once the installation is complete, import the components you need into your React application.

What is dom version 5

DOM Version 5 is a feature of React Router that allows developers to use the HTML5 History API to manage their application’s URL. This allows developers to create dynamic, single-page applications that can be navigated without refreshing the page. It also provides support for browser history and deep linking, making it easier for users to share links with others. Additionally, DOM Version 5 enables developers to take advantage of powerful features such as route preloading and lazy loading.

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