Solved: Use History React Router v6 app

The main problem related to using History React Router v6 is that it does not support hash-based routing. This means that all URLs must be absolute paths, which can make it difficult to manage and maintain the application. Additionally, there is no built-in support for dynamic routes, which can be a problem when creating complex applications with multiple pages. Finally, History React Router v6 does not provide any support for server-side rendering, which may be necessary in some cases.

import {
  BrowserRouter as Router,
} from "react-router-dom";

 function App() {

   const history = useHistory();

   // Handle a button click to push a new entry onto the history stack.
   function handleClick() {

   return (
       <button type="button" onClick={handleClick}>Go to New Location</button>       

         <Route path="/new-location">          
           <NewLocation />        


     </div>   ); }

// This code imports the BrowserRouter, Switch, Route, and useHistory components from the react-router-dom library.
// It then creates a function called App which uses the useHistory hook to create a history object.
// This history object is used in a function called handleClick which pushes a new entry onto the history stack when it is called.
// The App function then returns some JSX which includes a button with an onClick handler that calls handleClick when clicked.
// Finally, there is a Switch component with one Route component inside of it that renders the NewLocation component when its path matches “/new-location”.

What is useHistory

useHistory is a React Hook provided by React Router that allows components to access the history object in order to navigate programmatically. It can be used to push new locations to the history stack, replace the current location, go back and forth in history, etc.

How do I get route history in react

In React Router, you can get route history by using the useHistory hook. This hook gives access to the history instance that you can use to navigate, go back and forth in your app’s history, and more. To use it, simply import the hook from React Router and then call it in your component:

import { useHistory } from ‘react-router-dom’;

const MyComponent = () => {
const history = useHistory();

// Now you can access the route history via `history` object.

return (…);

Does react router use history API

Yes, React Router uses the HTML5 History API to keep track of the current location and its history. This allows React Router to update the page without having to reload it, making navigation faster and smoother. The History API also allows for deep linking, which makes it easier for users to share links that take them directly to a specific page in an application.

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