Solved: react router add fallback to catch all

The main problem related to React Router and adding a fallback to catch all is that it can be difficult to properly configure the fallback route. The fallback route needs to be configured in such a way that it will catch all requests, including those that are not valid routes. If the configuration is not done correctly, then requests for invalid routes will not be caught by the fallback route and may result in errors or unexpected behavior. Additionally, if the application contains dynamic routes (e.g., based on user input), then these need to be taken into account when configuring the fallback route so that they are also caught by it.

import { BrowserRouter as Router, Route, Switch } from 'react-router-dom';

const App = () => (
      <Route exact path="/" component={Home} />
      <Route path="/about" component={About} />

      {/* Fallback route */}
      <Route component={NoMatch} /> 


// Line 1: This line imports the BrowserRouter, Route, and Switch components from the react-router-dom library.
// Line 2: This line defines a constant called App that is a function component.
// Line 3: This line renders the Router component from react-router-dom.
// Line 4: This line renders the Switch component from react-router-dom.
// Lines 5 & 6: These lines render two Route components with exact paths and components to be rendered when those paths are matched.
// Line 8: This line renders a fallback route if none of the other routes are matched. It will render the NoMatch component if no other routes match.

What is react router

React Router is a routing library for React applications. It allows developers to create routes and components that can be used to navigate between different pages in a React application. It also provides features such as dynamic route matching, query parameters, and location state. Additionally, it provides support for server-side rendering and code splitting.

Catch-all fallback route

A catch-all fallback route is a route in React Router that matches any path that has not been matched by any other routes. This type of route is often used to create a 404 page, or to render a component for all unmatched paths. It is important to note that the catch-all fallback route should always be the last route in the list of routes, as it will match any path and prevent other routes from being matched.

How to define fallback route properly

When using React Router, a fallback route is a route that is used when no other routes match the requested URL. It is typically used to redirect users to a 404 page or some other page when the requested URL does not exist.

To define a fallback route properly in React Router, you should first create a component and wrap it around your routes. Inside the component, you should include your normal routes followed by a component with no path specified. This will be your fallback route and will catch any requests that don’t match any of your other routes. You can then specify what should happen when this route is matched, such as redirecting to a 404 page or displaying some other content.

Why the fallback route always got triggered

The fallback route in React Router is always triggered when a URL path does not match any of the existing routes. This can happen when a user manually types in an incorrect URL, or if the application’s routing logic is not properly configured. The fallback route allows developers to handle these scenarios gracefully and provide feedback to the user, such as a 404 page or redirecting them to the home page.

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