Solved: get pid c

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Understanding the complexities of process identification is an imperative aspect of telemetry monitoring in system design. A process identifier (PID) is a unique number that is assigned to each process when it commences on Unix-like systems like those built in C language.

One of the functions adhered to retrieve the PID is the getpid function. The syntax is pretty simple, as it doesn’t require any parameters, and in turn, it simply returns an integer value, representing the PID of the current process. Now let’s dive deep into how we can programmatically get the PID in C.

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <unistd.h>

    int main() {
        printf("The process ID is %dn", getpid());
        return 0;

After including necessary libraries, we’ve defined the main function. Inside the main function, we have a simple printf command which outputs “The process ID is” followed by the actual PID, which is retrieved via getpid function.

Importance of Process Identification

Process identification is crucial as it allows efficient and secure communication between different processes in the system. It ensures that resources are correctly allocated and managed among the various processes. Without PIDs, managing and differentiating system processes would be an extremely challenging if not impossible task.

Libraries Utilized

In our code, we have utilized two vital libraries to get the PID:

  • stdio.h: This is a header file that typically contains declaration of set of functions involving input/output tasks.
  • unistd.h: Stands for Unix standard library, contains necessary definitions and declarations for carrying out system calls.

To deepen our understanding, remember that libraries provide pre-compiled code that can be re-used, saving developers from re-writing complex codes. For example, stdio.h allows us a simple way to interact with input or output devices whereas unistd.h assists us in making system calls without us knowing internal intricacies of the system.

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Solved: random number between 2 in C

Generating Random Numbers between 2 in C Programming Language

The ability to generate random numbers can be critical in certain types of computer programming tasks, particularly in algorithm design or where simulation is required. In this article, we’ll delve into a fundamental aspect of C programming, which is generating random numbers. We’ll assume you have a basic understanding of the C programming language. C is a powerful general-purpose language that gives programmers more control and efficiency, being excellent for programming at a low level

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Solved: print in pink in c

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Print in pink is a print statement colored in pink text output in C programming. This programming task is not a common one, but it’s quite interesting and showcases the versatility and flexibility of C. The task is unique but lets you understand how you have to manipulate terminal display configurations to achieve it.

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Solved: c va_list example

In C programming, handling functions with variable arguments is crucial. Imagine implementing a function that accepts a variable number of arguments. Wouldn’t that signify your code adapting to the application’s needs, thus enhancing its flexibility and performance? Today, we shall dive into one such fantastic feature offered by the C programming language – va_list – in a feature within the stdarg.h library used to handle such functions.

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Solved: myFgets in c

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myFgets is one of the fundamental functions in C for getting input from the user. It’s a part of stdio library and stands out as a safer alternative to its other counterparts like scanf, due to its capability of preventing buffer overflow.

#include <stdio.h>

#define SIZE 100

int main()
    char str[SIZE];

    printf("Enter a string: ");
    if(fgets(str, SIZE, stdin) != NULL)
        printf("You entered: ");

    return 0;

After starting with a brief introduction about myFgets, the provided C code above makes use of myFgets function for getting string input from the user.

How does myFgets work?

The function of fgets is to read string from the standard input (stdin), usually the keyboard. The fgets function is not unlike other input functions in C in its requirement for three parameters: buffer to read the input into, maximum size of the buffer, and the input stream to read from. Specifically, after reading the string, fgets appends a null character (‘’) to the end.

Understanding the code above

The function defined above starts off by declaring a string (char array) of a particular size (SIZE). It then prompts the user to enter a string. Upon user input, the conditional statement checks whether the fgets function was able to read the string. If it was able to, it proceeds to print the same string back to the screen using the puts function.

In understanding the relation between fgets, buffer size and preventing buffer overflow, it’s important to recognize that the number of characters read by fgets is one less than the specified SIZE. This is done to accommodate the null character at the end of the input.

Relevant libraries and functions

In terms of libraries, stdio.h is one of the most basic libraries in C, used for input/output operations. The mode of use is as simple as including it at the beginning of the C code using the #include directive.

Regarding the functions employed in this code, fgets belongs to this library, along with puts and printf. While fgets researches, puts is used to write a string to stdout up to but not including the null character. The function printf forms a string of data for output, based on format string and arguments.

Please note that for a safe and effective approach to input string from the user, myFgets has a proven track record in the realm of C programming, by bounding the size of input, and thus preventing potential buffer overflows.

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Solved: buble sort c

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Sorting algorithms are a crucial part of computer science and programming because they allow us to efficiently order data. One of the simplest and most intuitive sorting techniques is Bubble Sort, a comparison-based algorithm that repeatedly steps through the list, compares adjacent elements, and swaps them if they are in the wrong order. The pass through the array is done iteratively until no swaps are needed, indicating that the list is sorted.

Bubble Sort is not an efficient sorting algorithm for larger lists, but due to its simplicity, it is often taught in introductory computer science courses. Even though its average and worst-case time complexity of O(n^2) might make it a poor choice for large datasets, it can still be practical in certain use cases where simplicity and ease of implementation matter more than raw performance.


void bubbleSort(int array[], int size) {
for (int step = 0; step < size - 1; ++step) { for (int i = 0; i < size - step - 1; ++i) { if (array[i] > array[i + 1]) {
int temp = array[i];
array[i] = array[i + 1];
array[i + 1] = temp;

void printArray(int array[], int size) {
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) printf("%d ", array[i]); printf("n"); } int main() { int data[] = {-2, 45, 0, 11, -9}; int size = sizeof(data) / sizeof(data[0]); bubbleSort(data, size); printf("Sorted Array in Ascending Order:n"); printArray(data, size); return 0; } [/code]

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Solved: series sort

When we talk about sorting in the programming paradigm, it’s considered one of the most critical operations and is often required when developing applications. In computer science, a sorting algorithm is a method used to reorganize the elements of a list in a specific order, be it numerical ascending or descending or lexicographical. In this scenario, we will be primarily focusing on the series sort problem in the realm of C programming, its workings, and how it offers efficient solutions.

void sort(int array[], int n) {
for (int step = 0; step < n - 1; ++step) { int min_idx = step; for (int i = step + 1; i < n; ++i) { if (array[i] < array[min_idx]) { min_idx = i; } } int temp = array[min_idx]; array[min_idx] = array[step]; array[step] = temp; } } [/code]

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Solved: how to write a function to print every minute of the day in c

Writing an application in C that prints every minute of the day may seem like an interesting challenge, especially if you’re a beginner in programming. Fortunately, C programming language offers a plethora of libraries and functions that we can utilize to solve this problem. Before delving into the problem’s solution, it’s essential to understand what this task entails. Basically, the objective here is to write a C program that will print all the minutes in a day, from 00:00 to 23:59.

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