Solved: remove header border react native

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the removal of header borders will vary depending on the specific device or app that you are using. However, some potential problems that could arise from removing header borders include a loss of user interface clarity and a reduction in user interface responsiveness.

I have a header in my react native app that I would like to remove the bottom border from. How can I do this?
<code>&lt;View style={styles.header}&gt;
  &lt;Text style={styles.headerText}&gt;{this.props.title}&lt;/Text&gt;
  &lt;TouchableOpacity onPress={() =&gt; this._onPress()} style={styles.buttonContainer}&gt;
    &lt;Image source={{uri: ''}} style={{width: 20, height: 20}} /&gt;

<View style={styles.header}>
This creates a View element with the styles defined in the stylesheet.

<Text style={styles.headerText}>{this.props.title}</Text>
This creates a Text element with the text coming from the title property of the component’s props and the styles defined in the stylesheet.

<TouchableOpacity onPress={() => this._onPress()} style={styles.buttonContainer}>
This creates a TouchableOpacity element that will call the _onPress function defined in the component when pressed, and gives it the styles defined in the stylesheet. The children of this TouchableOpacity will be rendered inside it.

<Image source={{uri: ''}} style={{width: 20, height: 20}} /> This creates an Image element with its source set to the favicon for React Native documentation, and width and height set to 20px each.

boder and other styles

There are many different styles of writing code in React Native. One popular style is called boder. This style is characterized by using curly braces to group related code together, and using named functions to make code more readable.

Header and parts of a landing

In React Native, a landing is the first screen that appears when a user taps on a link in your app.

To create a landing, you first need to create a header. The header is where you put the title of your landing, as well as any other important information about the landing.

Next, you need to create the parts of the landing. Each part of the landing will have its own component. You can use React Native’s built-in components or you can create your own components.

The following are some common components that you might use in a landing:

Title Bar : This component contains the title of your landing and any other text that you want to appear in the header. You can also use this component to control how much space is given to the title bar. For example, if you want to make sure that there’s enough space for all of the text in your title bar, you can set its size attribute to 100%.

: This component contains the title of your landing and any other text that you want to appear in the header. You can also use this component to control how much space is given to the title bar. For example, if you want to make sure that there’s enough space for all of the text in your title bar, you can set its size attribute to 100%. Navigation Bar : This component contains buttons that allow users to navigate between different parts of your app. You can also use this component to display information about how many pages are left in your app or how much time is left until it expires (for example).

: This component contains buttons that allow users to navigate between different parts of your app. You can also use this component to display information about how many pages are left in your app or how much time is left until it expires (for example). Footer: The footer contains information about your app such as its name and version number.

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