The main problem with react native text underline is that it can be difficult to get the desired look and feel. Additionally, it can be difficult to keep the underline consistent across different devices.
<Text style={{textDecorationLine: 'underline'}}>This is an underlined text</Text>
This line of code creates a Text component with the text “This is an underlined text” and the style “textDecorationLine: ‘underline'”.
How to give styles to text
There are a few ways to give styles to text in React Native.
One way is to use the StyleSheet API. This API allows you to define styles for individual text nodes and attributes in your React Native code. You can find more information about the StyleSheet API on the React Native documentation website.
Another way is to use the TextStyle component. This component allows you to define styles for entire paragraphs or blocks of text in your React Native code. You can find more information about the TextStyle component on the React Native documentation website.
Text properties in React
Text properties in React Native are similar to text properties in React. You can use text props to set the text of a component, or you can use the Text API to get the text of a component.
To set the text of a component, use the text property:
To get the text of a component, use the Text API: