Solved: text decoration react native

The main problem related to text decoration react native is that it can be difficult to determine which text decorations should be applied to a given element. This can be especially problematic when trying to apply different text decorations to different elements within a given document.

You can use the style property "textDecoration" on a Text component in React Native to add decoration to your text.

Here is an example:

<Text style={{textDecoration: 'underline'}}>This text will be underlined</Text>

This code line is an example of how to add text decoration to a Text component in React Native. The style property “textDecoration” is used to add the underline decoration to the text.

Control Text decoration

There is no official way to do control text decoration in React Native, but there are a few methods that can be used.

One approach is to use the TextDecoration property of the Text component. This property allows you to specify a list of decorations that will be applied to the text.

Another approach is to use the TextWrapping property of the Text component. This property allows you to specify how much text should be wrapped in a given container.

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