Solved: how to give radius to imagebackground in react native

The main problem with how to give radius to imagebackground in React Native is that there is no built-in way to do so. One possible solution is to use a third-party library, such as ImageBackground.js.

There is no built-in way to do this in React Native. However, you can use the borderRadius style property on a View component that contains an ImageBackground component:

<View style={{borderRadius: 10}}> <ImageBackground source={{uri: ''}} style={{width: 200, height: 200}} /> </View>

This code creates a round image by adding a border radius to a view that contains an image background.

Edit images in React

In React, you can use the Image component to add an image to your app. You can also use the Image component to create a thumbnail for an image.

To add an image to your app, you first need to import the Image component from React. Then, you can use theImage() function to get a reference to the Image component.

You can then use the src property of the Image component to get a reference to the source of the image. You can also use srcset and sizes properties of the Image component to get references to source images that have different resolutions and dimensions.

Finally, you can use the alt and title properties of the Image component to set text that will appear next to or above the image in your app.

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