Solved: react native hide scroll indicator

The main problem with react native hide scroll indicator is that it can be difficult to get it to work the way you want it to.

The scroll indicator can be hidden by setting the showVerticalScrollIndicator props to false in a ScrollView component:

<ScrollView showVerticalScrollIndicator={false}> ... </ScrollView>

This code is hiding the vertical scroll indicator in a ScrollView component.

Scroll properties

In React Native, scroll properties are used to control how content is scrolled in a view. Scrolling can be done by using the scrollX and scrollY properties on View components or by using the AnimatedScrollView component.

scrollX and scrollY can be used to control the horizontal and vertical position of the content in the view, respectively. The AnimatedScrollView component can be used to animate scrolling.

How can I modify scroll

There are a few ways to modify scroll in React Native.

One way is to use the ScrollView component. This component allows you to specify how much content should be visible at any given time, and it will automatically adjust the scroll view accordingly.

Another way is to use the TouchableHighlight component. This component allows you to highlight specific areas of the screen, and it will automatically adjust the scroll view accordingly.

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