Solved: html star symbol

The main problem related to HTML star symbol is that it is not a valid character in HTML. The star symbol (*) is used as a wildcard character in many programming languages, but it is not recognized as a valid character in HTML. This means that if you try to use the star symbol in an HTML document, it will be ignored by the browser and may cause errors or unexpected results.


def hello():
print(“Hello World!”)

1. This line defines a function called “hello” that does not take any parameters.
2. This line prints the string “Hello World!” to the console when the function is called.

Unicode UTF-8

Unicode UTF-8 is a character encoding that allows for the display of characters from multiple languages and scripts on webpages. It is the most widely used character encoding on the web, and it is supported by all modern web browsers. Unicode UTF-8 is an 8-bit encoding scheme that uses one to four bytes to represent each character, allowing for up to 4,294,967,296 possible characters. In HTML documents, Unicode UTF-8 can be specified in the section of the document using a tag with a charset attribute set to “utf-8”. This ensures that all text displayed in the document will be encoded correctly.

What is symbol in HTML

Symbols in HTML are special characters that can be used to display images, icons, or text. They are often used to create logos, buttons, and other graphical elements on a web page. Symbols can also be used to represent mathematical equations or symbols in a programming language.

How do you insert a star symbol in HTML

To insert a star symbol in HTML, you can use the HTML entity code for the star symbol: ★. For example, to display a black star, you would use .

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