Solved: html favicon tag

The main problem related to the HTML favicon tag is that it is not supported by all browsers. For example, Internet Explorer does not support the favicon tag, so if a website uses this tag, users of IE will not be able to see the icon. Additionally, some browsers may require additional code in order for the favicon to display properly. This can cause confusion and frustration for users who are expecting to see a recognizable icon when they visit a website.

<link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon">

1. This line of code creates a link element to an external resource, in this case a file called “favicon.ico”.
2. The “rel” attribute specifies the relationship between the current document and the linked resource, in this case a “shortcut icon”.
3. The “href” attribute specifies the location of the linked resource, which is a file called “favicon.ico”.
4. The “type” attribute specifies the type of media associated with the linked resource, which is an image/x-icon type.

Favicon tag

The favicon tag is an HTML element used to specify a small icon that represents a website. It is typically displayed in the browser’s address bar, next to the page’s title, and in the bookmarks list. The favicon tag should be placed inside the section of an HTML document. The favicon tag has two attributes: href and type. The href attribute specifies the location of the icon file, while the type attribute specifies its MIME type.

How to put favicon in HTML

To add a favicon to an HTML page, you need to use the tag. The tag should be placed in the section of your HTML document, and should include the following attributes:

• rel=”shortcut icon”
• type=”image/x-icon”
• href=”path/to/favicon.ico”

For example:

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