The main problem related to HTML preselected radio buttons is that they can be difficult for users to identify and select. This is because the selected radio button may not be visible on the page, or it may blend in with other elements on the page. Additionally, if a user does not know what a preselected radio button means, they may not understand why it is selected and thus not know how to deselect it.
<input type="radio" name="gender" value="male" checked> Male<br> <input type="radio" name="gender" value="female"> Female<br>
1. This line of code creates an input element of type “radio” with the name “gender” and a value of “male”. The “checked” attribute is also included, which means that this radio button will be selected by default when the form is loaded.
2. This line of code creates another input element of type “radio” with the same name (“gender”) but a different value (“female”). There is no checked attribute, so this radio button will not be selected by default when the form is loaded.
Radio buttons preselected
Radio buttons are a type of input element in HTML that allow users to select one option from a set of choices. They are typically used when there is a list of two or more options that are mutually exclusive and the user must select exactly one choice. Radio buttons are preselected in HTML by using the “checked” attribute. This attribute can be applied to any radio button within a group, and it will be automatically selected when the page loads. The “checked” attribute can also be used to programmatically select a radio button, allowing developers to set default values for forms.
How to preselect radio button in HTML
Preselecting a radio button in HTML is done by using the “checked” attribute. This attribute can be added to the tag for the radio button that should be preselected. For example: