Kuxazululiwe: ithebhu yezinhlamvu ze-html

Inkinga enkulu ngethebhu yezinhlamvu ze-HTML ukuthi ingabangela izinkinga lapho ifometha umbhalo. Isibonelo, uma unohlamvu lwethebhu endaweni yombhalo, isiphequluli sizofaka ngokuzenzakalelayo isikhala ngaphambi nangemuva kohlamvu lwethebhu. Lokhu kungabangela izinkinga uma uzama ukwakha isakhiwo esihlanzekile, esingaguquki sewebhusayithi yakho.

    This is some text.&lt;br /&gt;
    &amp;#9;This is some more text.

<html> - Lesi yisiqalo sombhalo we-HTML
<head> - Lesi yingxenye eyinhloko yedokhumenti ye-HTML
</head> – Lesi ukuphela kwesigaba sekhanda
<body> - Lesi yingxenye yomzimba wedokhumenti ye-HTML
&#9; – Lona uhlamvu lwethebhu
"This is some text." <br />"- Lo mugqa uqukethe umbhalo, olandelwa umaki wekhefu ozobangela ukuthi kuqalwe umugqa omusha.
"This is some more text." </body"– Lo mugqa uqukethe omunye umbhalo, olandelwa umaka wokugcina wesigaba somzimba.

Source: "Amathegi e-HTML", w3schools.com.

I-HTML Faka Ithebhu Nezinhlamvu Zesikhala Ngekhodi

Ukuze ufake uhlamvu lwethebhu ku-HTML, sebenzisa ikhodi:

Ukuze ufake uhlamvu lwesikhala ku-HTML, sebenzisa ikhodi:

Amabhizinisi e-HTML

Kunezinhlaka ezimbalwa ze-HTML okufanele uziqaphele lapho ubhala i-HTML. Lezi zihlanganisa futhi amathegi, kanye ne- tag.

The tag is used to insert italics text, while the tag is used to insert bold text. The tag can be used to include code snippets in your HTML document.

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