Solved: js add space before capital letter

The main problem with adding space before a capital letter is that it can make the word look smaller than it should. This can be confusing for readers, and can also lead to mistakes being made when typing the word.

var str = "thisIsAString";

str = str.replace(/([A-Z])/g, ' $1');

console.log(str); // "this Is A String"

This code defines a string, then uses the replace() method to look for any uppercase letters in the string and adds a space before them. Finally, it prints the new string to the console.

What is Capital letter

A capital letter in JavaScript is a letter that is at the beginning of a word.

Working with text

Working with text in JavaScript can be a bit tricky. There are a few different ways to do it, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

The simplest way to work with text in JavaScript is to use the String object. You can access the text of a string using the string property, and you can also use the substring() method to extract a portion of the string.

Another way to work with text in JavaScript is to use the Array object. You can access the text of an array using the items property, and you can also use the indexOf() method to find a specific item in an array.

Spaces in JavaScript

There are a few ways to create spaces in JavaScript. One way is to use the String.replace() method:

var sentence = “I am a sentence.”; sentence.replace(” “, ” “);

This will produce the following string: I am a sentence.

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