The main problem is that Chrome extensions don’t have access to the window.currentTab property. This means that they can’t get the URL of the current tab.
chrome.tabs.query({'active': true, 'lastFocusedWindow': true}, function (tabs) { var url = tabs[0].url; });
This code is using the chrome.tabs API to query for the active tab in the last focused window. The callback function is passed an array of tabs, and the url of the active tab is retrieved from the first element in that array.
JavaScript Chrome Extensios
JavaScript Chrome Extensions are extensions that can be installed in Google Chrome. They allow you to do things like add new features to the browser, save your favorite websites, and more.
Best Chrome extension to work in JavaScript
There are many great Chrome extensions that can be used in JavaScript. Some of the best include:
1. CodeMirror: This is a great extension that allows you to edit and preview code in your browser. It also has a built-in editor for JavaScript, which makes it easy to write and test code.
2. JS Bin: This is another great extension that allows you to quickly test and debug code in your browser. It also has a built-in editor for JavaScript, which makes it easy to write and test code.
3. JSLint: JSLint is a great extension that helps you to check your code for errors and potential problems. It also has a built-in editor for JavaScript, which makes it easy to write and test code.