Solved: write console output in same place

Writing console output in the same place can be a useful technique for developers when working with Python applications, especially when developing user interfaces in the command line, creating progress indicators, and updating console data in real-time. This article will discuss a solution for overwriting console output, explain the code step-by-step, and dive into specific libraries and built-in Python functions that make this task possible.

To achieve this, we can use the famous Python library “curses” which is specifically designed for creating terminal-based applications that heavily depends on the usage of text-based user interfaces. However, for the purpose of simplicity and ease of understanding, we will use Python’s built-in “sys” and “time” modules to overwrite console outputs.

Overwriting Console Output in Python

The main idea is to use the sys.stdout.write() function, which allows us to print in the same line, together with the carriage return character (“r”) to return to the beginning of the line, effectively allowing us to overwrite the output.

Here’s an example of overwriting console output using Python:

import time
import sys

for i in range(10):
    sys.stdout.write("rStep: %d" % i)

Step-by-Step Explanation of the Code

1. First, import the required modules:

   import time
   import sys

The time module will be used to add delay between iterations, and the sys module will be used to write output to the console.

2. Next, create a loop to iterate over a range of numbers, simulating a progress counter:

   for i in range(10):

This loop iterates from 0 to 9, effectively running ten times.

3. Inside the loop, use the sys.stdout.write() function to print the current iteration number along with a label:

   sys.stdout.write("rStep: %d" % i)

The “r” character is the carriage return that acts as a reset to the beginning of the line, allowing the next output to overwrite the current one.

4. Ensure using sys.stdout.flush() after writing to the console:


The flush() function clears the internal buffer and ensures that the output is displayed immediately.

5. Finally, add a delay using the time.sleep() function:


This pause will last for one second, making it easier to observe the output being overwritten.

Now you can see how the console output is being overwritten on each iteration.

Overview of “sys” Library

The sys library is a powerful built-in Python module that provides access to the interpreter’s internals and various system-specific parameters. In this article, we focused on using sys.stdout.write() and sys.stdout.flush() functions to overwrite console output. However, the “sys” library offers many other functionalities, like command line arguments, byteorder, exceptions, and pre-defined paths.

Overview of “time” Library

The time library is another built-in Python module that offers a variety of functions related to time manipulation and processing. In our example, we utilized the time.sleep() function to create a delay between iterations. The “time” library also provides other tools for measuring execution time, converting between time formats, and obtaining the current time. This module is essential for developers working with time-related functions or scheduling tasks in Python applications.

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