Solved: python click activator

The main problem with the Python Click Activator is that it is not very reliable. Sometimes it will work perfectly, and other times it will not work at all.

import click

@click.option('--count', default=1, help='Number of greetings.')
@click.option('--name', prompt='Your name',
              help='The person to greet.')
def hello(count, name):
    """Simple program that greets NAME for a total of COUNT times."""
    for x in range(count):
        click.echo('Hello %s!' % name)

import click – this line imports the Click library

@click.command() – this line creates a new command called ‘hello’

@click.option(‘–count’, default=1, help=’Number of greetings.’) – this line adds an option to the hello command called ‘count’. The default value is 1 and it has a help message of ‘Number of greetings.’

@click.option(‘–name’, prompt=’Your name’, help=’The person to greet.’) – this line adds an option to the hello command called ‘name’. The default value is whatever the user inputs and it has a help message of ‘The person to greet.’

def hello(count, name): – this line defines the hello function. It takes in two arguments, count and name.
“””Simple program that greets NAME for a total of COUNT times.”””

for x in range(count): – this line says that for every number in the range of count, do the following indented code

click.echo(‘Hello %s!’ % name) – this line prints out ‘Hello (name)’


An activator is a function that is used to initialize an object.

Click Event

A click event is an event that occurs when a user clicks on an element on a web page. In Python, you can use the click() function to detect when a user clicks on an element on a web page.

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