Solved: remove multiple strings from list python

The problem is that Python does not have a built-in function to remove multiple strings from a list.

I have a list of strings:
<code>list = ['a','b','c','d']
and I want to remove multiple strings from the list, for example: 
<code>remove_list = ['a', 'c']


You can use <code>set.difference()</code>:  (If you don't mind the order of elements in your list)  (If you want to keep the order of elements in your list, then use <code>filter()</code>)   (If you want to keep only unique elements in your list, then use <code>set()</code>)   (If you want to remove all duplicates from your list, then use <code>list(set())</code>)   (If you want to remove all duplicates from your list and keep the order of elements as well, then use <code>[i for i in set(lst)]</code>) 


In Python, strings are sequences of characters. Strings can be used to store text, numbers, or any other type of data.

To create a string in Python, you use the string constructor:

string = “Hello”

You can also create a string by concatenating two strings together:

string = “Hello ” + “World”


In Python, lists are a data structure that allows you to store a collection of items. Lists can be empty or they can contain any type of object, including other lists.

To create a list in Python, you use the list() function. To access the first item in a list, you use the index() function. To access the last item in a list, you use the len() function.

To add an item to the end of a list, you use the append() function. To remove an item from the end of a list, you use the pop() function.

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