Solved: read list from txt python

The main problem with reading a list from a text file is that the text file may not be in the correct format.

with open('list.txt') as f:
    lines =

This code opens the file ‘list.txt’ and reads it line by line. The lines are then stored in the variable ‘lines’.

Working with txt files

There are a few ways to work with text files in Python. The simplest way is to open the file in a text editor like Notepad or TextEdit, and write your code inside it.

Another way is to use the built-in file parser in Python. This module lets you read and write text files as if they were Python objects. To use it, you first need to import the module:

import fileinput

Then, you can read a text file like this:

fileinput.read_text( ‘myfile.txt’ )

This will return a string containing the contents of myfile.txt. You can also write text files like this:

fileinput.write_text( ‘myfile.txt’ , ‘Hello world!’ )

Ways to read from txt files

There are a few ways to read from txt files in Python. The simplest way is to use the built-in open() function:

>>> import os >>> file = ‘test.txt’ >>> print(

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