Solved: prime numbers from 1 to 25 in python

The main problem related to prime numbers from 1 to 25 is that they are not evenly distributed. There are only six prime numbers between 1 and 25, and four of them are smaller than 5.

for num in range(1,26):
   if num > 1:
       for i in range(2,num):
           if (num % i) == 0:

The first line creates a for loop that iterates through the numbers 1-25. The second line says that if the current number (num) is greater than 1, then it should check to see if the number is prime. It does this by creating a new for loop that goes from 2 to num-1. If at any point num is evenly divisible by i, then it isn’t prime and the program breaks out of the inner for loop. If the program makes it through the entire inner for loop without breaking, then num must be prime and so it prints num.

Prime numbers

In Python, there are a few ways to find prime numbers. The most common way is to use the built-in function prime_count(). This function will return the number of prime numbers up to a certain limit.

Another way to find prime numbers is to use the math module. This module has a function called pow() that will calculate the power of a number, and that can be used to find primes.

What are prime numbers


In Python, prime numbers are those that can only be divided by 1 and themselves. There are only six prime numbers in Python: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, and 13.

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