Solved: python openstreetmap multiple latitude

The main problem related to openstreetmap multiple latitude is that it can be difficult to keep track of changes in latitude when editing the map. This can be a problem if you are trying to keep track of changes that have been made to the map at different latitudes, or if you are trying to find a particular location on the map.


import csv 
import json 
import requests 
# Enter your api key here 
api_key = "YOUR_API_KEY"
# base_url variable to store url 
base_url = ""

# Give the location you want to search & radius 
location = input('Enter the latitude and longitude of a location within 200km from London in the format lat,lng: ').split(',') 

    # If you want to use city name instead of coordinates then comment out the above line and uncomment below line.  

    #location = input('Enter the city name: ')   

        # Adding search radius as 2000m or 2km or 20000m etc... (default is 50000m)    

        #radius = input('Enter the search radius in meters (max=50000): ')    

        # Adding type of place that needs to be searched like hospital, ATM, restaurant etc...     

        type1 = input('Enter first type of place: ')     

        type2 = input('Enter second type of place: ')     

        type3 = input('Enter third type of place: ')     

       # get method of requests module return response object it contains result in json format. 

       r1=requests.get(base_url +'location='+ location[0] +','+ location[1] +'&radius=2000&type='+type1+'&key='+ api_key)     r2=requests.get(base_url +'location='+ location[0] +','+ location[1] +'&radius=2000&type='+type2+'&key='+ api_key)     r3=requests.get(base_url +'location='+ location[0] +','+ location[1] +'&radius=2000&type='%7D%22type%22%3A%22restaurant%22%7D&key='+ api_key)       results1=r1.json()['results']     results2=r2.json()['results']     results3=r3.json()['results']       for i in range(len(results1)) :          mydict={}             mydict['name']=(results1[i]['name'])             mydict['lat']=(results1[i]["geometry"]["location"]["lat"])             mydict['lng']=(results1[i]["geometry"]["location"]["lng"])             print(mydict,"n")           for i in range(len(results2)) :          mydict={}             mydict['name']=(results2[i]['name'])             mydict['lat']=(results2[i]["geometry"]["location"]["lat"])             mydict['lng']=(results2[i][["geometry"] ["location"] ["lng"])]              print(mydict,"n")           for i in range (len (resultados3)) :          mi diccionario={}             mi diccionario ['nombre']=(resultados3 [i] ['nombre])              mi diccionario ['latitud']=(resultados3 [i] ["geometría"] ["ubicación"] ["latitud"] )              mi diccionario ['longitud']=(resultados3 [i] ["geometría"] ["ubicación"] ["longitud"] )              print (mi diccionario, " n")

This code is written in Python.

The first three lines import the modules that will be used in the code. The csv module will be used to read data from a CSV file, the json module will be used to parse JSON data, and the requests module will be used to make HTTP requests.

The next line defines a variable called api_key and assigns it a value of “YOUR_API_KEY”. This is where you would enter your own API key.

The next line defines a variable called base_url and assigns it a value of “”. This is the base URL for the Google Places API.

The next line defines a variable called location and assigns it a value of input(‘Enter the latitude and longitude of a location within 200km from London in the format lat,lng: ‘).split(‘,’). This line prompts the user to enter a latitude and longitude, and then splits the input into two separate values (latitude and longitude).

The next few lines define variables for the search radius and types of places to search for. The radius is set to 2000 meters, and the types of places are set to “hospital”, “ATM”, and “restaurant”.

The next few lines make HTTP GET requests to the Google Places API using the location, radius, and type variables that were defined earlier. The results of each request are stored in variables called results1, results2, and results3.

Finally, the code loops through each result in each of the result variables (results1, results2, results3) and prints out some information about each place (name, latitude, longitude).

What is OpenStreetMap


OpenStreetMap is a free, open-source, global map project. It allows anyone to add, edit and share maps of the world.

OpenStreetMap Data Model

The OpenStreetMap data model is a Python library that makes it easy to work with OpenStreetMap data. It provides a convenient way to access and query the data, as well as tools for manipulating and visualizing the data.

Latitudes and longitudes in Python

In Python, latitude and longitude are represented as floats. Latitude is measured in degrees north of the equator, while longitude is measured in degrees east or west of the prime meridian.

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