Solved: How to play audio in background

The main problem related to playing audio in the background is that most mobile devices and web browsers do not support this feature. This means that if a user wants to listen to audio while using another app or browsing the web, they must keep the audio app open in order for it to continue playing. This can be a major inconvenience as it takes up valuable screen space and can be distracting. Additionally, some apps may not allow background audio playback at all, making it impossible for users to listen while multitasking.

import pygame

1. import pygame: This line imports the Pygame library, which is a set of Python modules designed for writing games.

2. pygame.mixer.init(): This line initializes the mixer module of Pygame, which allows you to play audio files in your game.

3.“audio_file.mp3”): This line loads an audio file (in this case, an MP3 file) into the mixer module so that it can be played in the game.

4. pygame.mixer.musicplay(-1): This line plays the loaded audio file in a loop (-1 indicates infinite looping).

playsound() function

The playsound() function in Python is used to play a sound file (.wav or .mp3) from a given file path. It is part of the playsound module, which is not included in the standard library. The playsound() function can be used to play a sound file on any platform, including Windows, Mac OSX, and Linux. It supports both synchronous and asynchronous playback of audio files. The playsound() function takes two parameters: the path to the sound file and an optional boolean argument that specifies whether the sound should be played asynchronously or synchronously.

How do I play audio in the background in Python

Python provides several modules for playing audio files. The most popular ones are the pygame and PyMedia modules.

The pygame module is used to play audio files in the background. It is a set of Python modules designed for writing games. It includes computer graphics and sound libraries designed to be used with the Python programming language. To use this module, you need to install it first using pip:

pip install pygame

Once installed, you can use it in your code like this:

import pygame
pygame.init() # Initialize all imported pygame modules“audio_file_name”) # Load an audio file into memory # Play the audio file in a loop (-1 means infinite loop)

The PyMedia module is another popular choice for playing audio files in Python programs, especially if you want more control over how the sound is played back (e.g., volume control). To use this module, you need to install it first using pip:

pip install PyMedia

Once installed, you can use it in your code like this:

import pymedia

snd = pymedia .audio .sound .Output (44100 , 2 , 16 ) # Create an output object with 44100 Hz sample rate and 16 bit depth snd .play ( “audio_file_name” ) # Play an audio file

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