Solved: how to make a config txt file on python

The main problem with making a config file on Python is that it is not easy to keep track of your settings. You need to remember what each setting does, and where to find it.

There are many ways to create a config file in Python. One way would be to use the built-in ConfigParser module. This module allows you to read and write configuration files in a variety of formats.

Another way to create a config file would be to use the json module. This module allows you to read and write JSON files.

yet another way to create a config file would be to use the yaml module. This module allows you to read and write YAML files.

config txt file

A config file is a text file that stores configuration information for an application. This file can be used to specify the location of the application’s files, the user’s preferences, and other important information.

how to create a file

To create a file in Python, use the open() function. The following code opens the file “test.txt” in the current directory:

open(“test.txt”, “w”)

Types of config files

There are three types of config files in Python:

1. Configuration files that are used to initialize the interpreter and its environment. These files are typically named .
2. Script files that are executed by the interpreter when they are invoked. These files usually have a .py extension and contain Python code.
3. Modules that are imported by other modules and used as part of their functionality. These files have a .py extension but may also have other file extensions, such as .txt or .xml .

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