Solved: python forward declaration

A forward declaration is a way of declaring a variable or function before it is used. This can be useful when the variable or function does not need to be defined until later in the program. However, this can cause problems if the variable or function is used elsewhere in the program before it has been declared. In this case, Python will try to use the undefined value for the variable or function, which can lead to errors.

In Python, there is no need for forward declarations.

This line of code is saying that in Python, you don’t need to declare variables before using them.


Forward in Python is a library for working with futures in Python. It provides a simple and concise API for working with futures, as well as support for various concurrency models.

Registered hooks

In Python, there are two types of hooks: registered and unregistered. Registered hooks are automatically called when a certain event occurs, such as when a file is opened or closed. Unregistered hooks can be called manually by calling the function with the name of the hook as an argument.

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