La xaliyay: sida xogta loogu dhejiyo furaha shisheeye ee qaabka nasashada django

Dhibaatada ugu weyn ayaa ah inaad u baahan tahay inaad isticmaasho habka POST si aad xogta ugu dirto furaha shisheeye.

I have a model with a foreign key. I am trying to post data to this model using the Django Rest Framework. How do I post data to the foreign key?
<code>class Model1(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=100)

    def __str__(self):

class Model2(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
    model1 = models.ForeignKey('Model1', on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name='model2')

    def __str__(self):

class Model2Serializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):

    class Meta:  # noqa: D106,D205,D400,E501  # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods,missing-docstring,line-too-long,no-init  # noqa: D105  # pylint: disable=R0903  # noqa: D102  # pylint: disable=R0901  

        model = Model2  
        fields = ['id', 'name', 'model1']  

Xeerkani wuxuu qeexayaa laba nooc, Model1 iyo Model2, iyo taxane ah oo loogu talagalay Model2.
Model1 waxay leedahay beer la yiraahdo name.
Model2 waxay leedahay beer la yiraahdo name, iyo goob shisheeye oo fure ah oo la yiraahdo model1. Xidhiidhada furaha ee ajnabiga ah Model1.
Serializer-ka loogu talagalay Model2Serializer, wuxuu qeexayaa meelaha ay tahay in lagu daro marka qaabka loo beddelayo qaabka JSON. Xaaladdan, waxa ku jira beeraha: id, name, and 'model1'.

Save Foreign Key Using Django Rest Framework

In Django, you can use the save_foreign_key() function to save a foreign key in a model. This function takes two arguments: the model name and the name of the column in the model that stores the foreign key.

To save a foreign key in a model named "MyModel", you would use the following code:

save_foreign_key("MyModel", "id")

What is Foreign key

A foreign key is a column in a table that references a column in another table. When you insert data into the table, Django automatically creates the foreign key for you.

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