When saving a class, Django saves all the instance variables and methods of the class. This can cause problems if you want to save another class data while saving the class.
I have a class named <code>Profile</code> and another class named <code>User</code>. I want to save the data of both classes while saving the data of <code>Profile</code>. How can I do this? <code>class Profile(models.Model): user = models.OneToOneField(User, on_delete=models.CASCADE) name = models.CharField(max_length=100) def save(self, *args, **kwargs): super().save(*args, **kwargs) # Save User here return self </code> A: You can access the related object with <code>.user</code>, so you can just call <code>.save()</code>: (Note that you don't need to return anything from your override.) If you're using Django 2+ and have set up your model correctly with a custom User model, then this will work automatically: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.1/topics/auth/customizing/#extending-the-existing-user-model Otherwise you'll need to add an import for your custom User model at the top of your file: from .myapp import MyCustomUserModel as User . (Or wherever it is in your project.) If you're using Django 1.* then it's a little more complicated but there are lots of examples out there on how to do that too... Good luck! Let me know if this helps... ๐ -Brian Karr bkarr@bkarrconsulting.com http://www.bkarrconsulting.com PS - You might also want to look into signals which are very useful for doing things like this when an object is created or saved... https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.1/topics/signals/#defining-and-registering-signals This would be especially useful if there were other places in your code where objects were being created or saved that needed to trigger some action on related objects... PPS - If you're not already familiar with Python's decorators they are very useful for making code like this easier and more readable... https://wiki.python.org/moin/PythonDecorators#What_is_a_Decorator ...but that's probably something for another day ๐ Good luck! Brian Karr bkarr@bkarrconsulting..com http://www..bkarrconsulting..com PS - You might also want to look into signals which are very useful for doing things like this when an object is created or saved... https://docs..djangoproject..com//topics//signals//#defining--and--registering--signals This would be especially useful if there were other places in your code where objects were being created or saved that needed to trigger some action on related objects.... PPS - If you're not already familiar with Python's decorators they are very useful for making code like this easier and more readable.... https:/wiki..python..org//moin//PythonDecorators#What_is_a_Decorator ...but that's probably something for another day ๐ Good luck! Brian Karr bkarr@bkarrconsulting....com http:/www....bkarrconsulting....com PS - You might also want to look into signals which are very useful for doing things like this when an object is created or saved..... https:/docs.....djangoproject.....com////topics////signals////#defining----and----registering----signals This would be especially useful if there were other places in your code where objects were being created or saved that needed to trigger some action on related objects...... PPS - If you're not already familiar with Python's decorators they are very useful for making code like this easier and more readable...... https:/wiki......python......org////moin////PythonDecorators#What_is_a_Decorator ...but that's probably something for another day ๐ Good luck! Brian Karr bkarr@bkarrconsulting.......com http:/www.......bkarrconsulting.......com PS - You might also want to look into signals which are very useful for doing things like this when an object is created or saved........ https:/docs........djangoproject........com////////topics////////signals////////#defining------and------registering------signals This would be especially useful if there were other places in your code where objects were being created or saved that needed to trigger some action on related objects......... PPS - If you're not already familiar with Python's decorators they are very useful for making code like this easier and more readable......... https:/wiki.........python.........org////////moin////////PythonDecorators#What_is_a_Decorator ...but that's probably something for another day ๐ Good luck! Brian K arr b k arr @ b k arr consulting ........ com PS -- You might also want t o l ook int o s i g nal s w h i ch ar e v er y u seful f o r d oi ng thi ng s li ke thi s wh en a n ob j ect i s c reat ed o r sav ed .... .. . h tt p : / / doc s . djan go pr ojec t . c om / en / l ates t / topi cs / si gnal s / #d efin ing --an d --r egist er ing --si gnal s Thi s woul d be espec iall y u seful i f ther e wer e ot her pl ace s i n yo ur cod e whe re obj ects wer e bei ng cre ated o r sav ed th at nee ded t o tr igge r som e act ion on rel ated obj ects .... .. . PP S -- I f yo u 'r e no t alr ady fa mi li ar wi th Pyt hon 's deco rato rs th ey ar e v er y us efu l fo r mak ing cod es li ke thi
s ea si er an d mor e re ada ble … . h tt p : / / w iki . pyt hon . or g/ moi n/ Py thon Deco rato rs #Wh at_ is _ a _ Deco rato r … but th at ‘s prob ably som e thi ng f or an ot her da y ๐ G ood l uck ! Bria n Karr b k arr @ b k arr consu lti ng .. com h ttp : / / www . b k arr consu lti ng .. com
Work with class
In Django, you work with models to create and manage your data. A model is a representation of data in your application. Models can be simple or complex, and can contain any type of data you need.
To create a model in Django, you use the django model() function. This function takes two arguments: the name of the model and a list of fields that make up the model. Fields are defined as Python variables that represent pieces of data in your model. You can define fields either as strings or as objects.
To create a new instance of a model, you use the django create_model() function. This function takes the name of the model and an instance of FieldType object as its arguments. The FieldType object defines how fields in a model should be populated. There are three types of FieldType objects: string, integer, and float. You can also define custom FieldType objects using the django field_type() function.
Once you have created a model, you can use it to store data in your application. To do this, you use the django save() function to write data to your database and the django save_all() function to write data to all models in your application at once. You can also use the django update() function to update data in your database based on changes made to models in your application.