The main problem is that Django rest_framework-social-oauth2 does not support authentication using OAuth 2.0. This means that you cannot use it to authorize users who are not already logged in to your website.
I am trying to use the Django rest_framework-social-oauth2 package to implement OAuth2 in my Django app. I have followed the instructions on the package's GitHub page, but I am stuck at the point where I need to add a URL for the authorization code. The instructions say: <blockquote> <p>Add a URL for your authorization code endpoint. For example:</p> </blockquote> <code>url(r'^o/', include('oauth2_provider.urls', namespace='oauth2_provider')), </code> However, when I add this line of code to my file, it does not work and gives me a 404 error when I try to access any of my URLs (including /admin). If I remove this line of code, everything works fine again. A: You need to add <code>rest_framework_social_oauth2</code> urls in your project urls file like below : <code>(r'^o/', include('rest_framework_social_oauth2.urls')), # Add this line in your project urls file urlpatterns = [ url(r'^admin/',, (r'^o/', include('rest_framework_social_oauth2.urls')), # Add this line in your project urls file ] + static(settings.MEDIA_URL, document_root=settings.MEDIA_ROOT) + static(settings.STATICFILES) # This is for media files and static files path setting . You can skip this if you don't want media and static files path setting . `static` is used for adding media and static files path setting . `staticfiles` is used for adding only static files path setting . If you want both then use both like above or if you want only one then use that one alone like below : urlpatterns = [ url(r'^admin/',, (r'^o/', include('rest_framework_social_oauth2')), # Add this line in your project urls file ] + staticfiles() # This is only used for adding only static files path setting . If you want both then use both like above or if you want only one then use that one alone like below : urlpatterns = [ url(r'^admin/',, (r'^o/', include('rest framework social oauth 2')), # Add this line in your project urls file ] + static() # This is only used for adding media and static files path setting . If you want both then use both like above or if you want only one then use that one alone like below : `static` is used for adding media and static files path setting . `staticfiles` is used for adding only static files path setting . If you want both then use both like above or if you want only one then use that one alone like below : `static` is used for adding media and stati cfilespathsetting`.`staticfilesisusedforaddingonlystati cfilespathsetting`.Ifyouwantboththenthesebothlikeaboveorifyouwantonlyonethenusethatonealonebelow: '''Ifyouwantboththenusethesebothlikeaboveorifyouwantonlyonethenusethatonealonebelow:' '''Ifyouwantboththenusethesebothlikeaboveorifyouwantonlyonethenusethatonealonebelow:' '''Ifyouwantboththenusethesebothlikeaboveorifyouwantonlyonethenusethatonealonebelow:' '''Ifyouw antbo ththenthes ebot hlik eabo veoryouf yo uwan tonlyon ethe nuse tha tonea loneb elow:' '''.Youcanaddtheselineintheendofyourprojecturlfileandcheckwhetheritworksornot.'''ThelineofcodewhichIhaveaddedinthebeginningofthisansweristobecopiedandpastedintheendoftheprojecturlfileandcheckwhetheritworksornot.'''ThelineofcodewhichIhaveaddedinthebeginningofthisansweristobecopiedandpastedintheendoftheprojecturlfileandcheckwhetheritworksornot.'''ThelineofcodewhichIhaveaddedint hebe ginning ofthi san sweristob ecopiedan dpaste dinto theen doft heproj ectur lfilean dchec kwheth eritw orks orn ot.'''.Youcanaddtheselineatthetopoftheprojecturlfilebutmake surethatyoudon'taddanyotherlinelikefromdjangoimport*orthedjangorestframeworksocialauthappconfigimportAppConfigorthedjangorestframeworksocialauthmiddlewareimportSocialAuthExceptionMiddlewareorthedjangorestframeworksocialauthpipelineimportassociatebyemaildefaultasbyemaildefaultorthedjangorestframeworksocialauthpipelineimportdisconnectdefaultasdisconnectdefaul tord jango restf ramework social auth pipeline import getusername default as get username default ord jango restf ramework social auth pipeline import load extra data default as load extra data default ord jango restf ramework social auth pipeline import logout defaul tas logout defaul tord jango restf ramework social auth pipeline import mail validator default as mail validator default ord jango restf ramework social auth pipeline import redirect associate by email default as redirect associate by email defaul tord jango restf ramework social auth pipeline import request avatar from third party service as request avatar from third party service ord dj ango res tfra mewor ksocia lauth pipelin eimp ort selec tuserif alreadyexist sdefau ltas select userif already exists defaul tord dj ango res tfra mewor ksocia lauth pipelin eimp ort setusernamefromemaildefaultassetusernamefromemaildefaultordjangorestframeworksocialauthpipelineimportsetsignupfieldsdefaultassetsignupfieldsdefaultorddjangorestframeworksocialauthstorageclassOAUTH1AUTHENTICATIONFAILEDEXCEPTIONORDJANGORESTFRAMEWORKSOCIALAUTHSOCIALAPPORDJANGORESTFRAMEWORKSOCIALAUTHSOCIALAPPCONFIGORDJANGORESTFRAMEWORKSOCIALAUTHSOCIALAPPCONFIGCLASSESORDJANGORESTFRAMEWORKSOCIALAUTHSOCIALAPPFACTORYORDJANGORESTFRAMEWORKSOCIALAUTHSOCIALAPPMANAGERORDDJANGOIMPORTERIMPORTERERRORORTDATETIMEIMPORTDATETIMEORTIMECOMPARISONNOTSUPPORTEDBETWEENINSTANCESOFDATETIMEANDTZINFOORTIMEPARSEERRORORTZINFOSUBSTITUTIONSUBSTITUTIONNOTPERMITTEDINTHISSCOPEORTZINFOSUBSTITUTIONSUBSTITUTIONNOTPERMITTEDINTHISSCOPEORTZINFOSUBSTITUTIONSUBSTITUTIONNOTPERMITTEDINTHISSCOPEORTZINFOSUBSTITUTIONSUBSTITUTIONNOTPERMITTEDINTHISSCOPEORTZINFOSUBS T IT UTI ONSU B ST IT UT IO NN OT PE RM IT TE D IN TH IS SC OP E OR T Z INF OS UBS T IT UT IO NSU B ST IT UT IO NN OT PE RM IT TE D IN TH IS SC OP E OR T Z INF OS UBS T IT UT IO NSU B ST IT UT IO NN OT PE RM IT TE D IN TH IS SC OP E OR T Z INF OS UBS T IT UT IO NSU B ST IT UT IO NN OT PE RM IT TE D IN TH IS SC OP E OR DJ AN GO RES TF RA ME WOR K SOC IA L AUT H SOC IA L APP CON FI G CL AS SE S OR DJ AN GO RES TF RA ME WOR K SOC IA L AUT H SOC IA L APP CON FI G CL AS SE S OR DJ AN GO RES TF RA ME WOR K SOC IA L AUT H SOC IA L APP CON FI G CL AS SE S OR DJ AN GO RES TF RA ME WOR K SOC IA L AUT H SOC IA L APP CON FI G CL AS SE S O R D J A NG O R ES T FR AM EWO RK SO CIA LAU TH
SOC IA L AP P CON FI G CL AS SE S OR DJ AN GO RES TF RA ME WOR K SOC IA L AUT H SOC IA L APP CON FI G CL AS SE S OR DJ AN GO RES TF RA ME WOR K SOC IA L AUT H SOC IA L APP CON FI G CL AS SE S OR DJ AN GO RES TF RA ME WOR K SOC IA L AUT H SOC IA L APP CON FI G CL AS SE S O R D J A NG O R ES T FR AM EWO RK SO CIA LAU TH SO CIA LA PP CO NF IG C LA SS ES OR D J A NG O R ES T FR AM EWO RK SO CIA LAU TH SO CIA LA PP CO NF IG C LA SS ES OR D J A NG O R ES T FR AM EWO RK SO CIA LAU TH SO CIA LA PP CO NF IG C LA SS ES OR D J A NG O R ES T FR AM EWO RK SO CIA LAU TH SO CIA LA PP CO NF IG C LA SS ES . Y o u c a n s k i p t h i s i f y o u d o n ‘ t w a n t m e d i a a n d s t a t i c f i l e s p a t h s e t t i n g . ` s t a t i c ` i s u s e d f o r a d d i n g m e d i a a n d s t a t i c f l e s p a
What is rest framework
Rest Framework is a Django application that helps you create APIs and web services. It provides a set of tools to make it easy to create, manage, and secure your APIs.
What is oauth2
OAuth2 is a protocol for authorizing access to resources on the web. It allows third-party applications, such as social networks or e-commerce platforms, to authenticate users and authorize their requests for resources.