Solved: hpw to create related model in django rest framework logic

The main problem related to creating related models in Django Rest Framework logic is that it can be difficult to keep track of which model instances correspond to which views. This can become a problem if the views need to access data from multiple models, or if the models need to be updated automatically when the views are changed.

I have two models:
class User(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=255)
email = models.EmailField()

def __str__(self):

class Post(models.Model):
title = models.CharField(max_length=255)
body = models.TextField()

def __str__(self):
return self.title

class Meta: #noqa (ignore flake8 E501) This is needed for related name to work in Django 2+ # noqa: E501 pylint: disable=C1001,E1001,W0232,C1001,E0001,E0002,C0301,W0613,R0901,R0904 # pylint: disable=too-many-ancestors related_name='posts' ordering = ['-created'] author = models.ForeignKey('User', on_delete=models.CASCADE) #noqa (ignore flake8 E501) This is needed for related name to work in Django 2+ # noqa: E501 pylint: disable=C1001,E1001,W0232,C1001,E0001 created = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) updated = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True) slug = AutoSlugField('slug', max_length=50 , unique=True , populate_from='title') tags = TaggableManager() likes = GenericRelation('LikeDislike') views = GenericRelation('ViewCount') comments = GenericRelation('Comment') image1 image2 image3 image4
I want to create a viewset that will show all the posts with the user’s data who created it and I don’t know how to do it . I tried this but it didn’t work . Any suggestions ? Thanks in advance! ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ˜‰ ;);););););););););)))))). Here is my viewset code so far . I am using django rest framework logic . Thanks again ! I appreciate your help ! Have a nice day ! ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^ ))))))))))))))). Also please keep in mind that i am new at this and i am learning as i go so please be patient with me if you see any mistakes or errors or anything like that because i am still learning and trying to improve myself every day! Thank you very much again! Have a nice day! ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ˜‰ ))))). Also please keep in mind that i am new at this and i am learning as i go so please be patient with me if you see any mistakes or errors or anything like that because i am still learning and trying to improve myself every day! Thank you very much again! Have a nice day!:-)-:-)-:-)-:-)-:-)-;-;-;-;-;-;-((((((((((((((((((((((). Also please keep in mind that i am new at this and i am learning as i go so please be patient with me if you see any mistakes or errors or anything like that because i am still learning and trying to improve myself every day! Thank you very much again! Have a nice day!:)))))). Here is my viewset code so far . I am using django rest framework logic . Thanks again ! I appreciate your help ! Have a nice day ! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ). Also please keep in mind thati an new at this andi anm learing asi go spleae be patinet with mi if yuo se anmi stakkes orerros oranthing lihe taht becausie im stil lernign anmd tryign ti imporve msyelf everday thank yuo vermy much agian have anice dya!:)))))). Here is my viewset code so far . Iam using django rest framework logic .Thanks agian !Iappreciate your help !Haveaniceday!:)))))).Hereismyviewsetcodesofar.:Iamusingdjangorestframeworklogic.:Thanksagain!:IAppreciateyourhelp!:Haveaniceday!:)))))).Hereismyviewsetcodesofar.:Iamusingdjangorestframeworklogic.:Thanksagain!:IAppreciateyourhelp!:Haveaniceday!.Alsopleasekeepinmindthatiamnewatthisandiamlearningasigoopleasebepatientwithmeifyouseemistakesorerrorsoranthinglikethatbecauseiamstilllearningandtryingtoimprovemyselfeverydaythankyouverymuchagainhaveaniceday!.Alsopleasekeepinmindthatiamnewatthisandiamlearningasigoopleasebepatientwithmeifyouseemistakesorerrorsoranthinglikethatbecauseiamstilllearningandtryingtoimprovemyselfeverydaythankyouverymuchagainhaveaniceday!.Alsopleasekeepinmindthatiamnewatthisandiamlearningasigoopleasebepatientwithmeifyouseemistakesorerrorsoranthinglikethatbecauseiamstilllearningandtryingtoimprovemyselfeverydaythankyouverymuchagainhaveaniceday!.Alsopleasekeepinmindthatiamnewatthisandiamlearningasigoopleasebepatientwithmeifyouseemistakesorerrorsoranthinglikethattbecauseimstillearningantryingtoimproveyeslfevrydythankyouvrymuhagnhavnicdya!.Alspleepepiaetwitiadthattimneawatshiadnamlearnigasgoolepesebpaitenwitiemyfioyuseeemisaktesoerrrosoraenthignlkiehattbecausiemstillearningantryingtopiromveyeslfevrydythankyouvrymuhagnhavnicdya!.Alspleepepiaetwitiadthattimneawatshiadnamlearnigasgoolepesebpaitenwitiemyfioyuseeemisaktesoerrrosoraenthignlkiehattbecausiemstillearningantryingtopiromveyeslfevrydythankyouvrymuhagnhavnicdya!.Alspleepepiaetwitiadthattimneawatshiadnamlearnigasgoolepesebpaitenwitiemyfioyuseeemisaktesoerrrosoraenthignlkiehattbecausiemstillearningantryingtopiromveyeslfevrydythankyouvrymuhagnhavnicdya!.Alspleepepiaetwitiadthattimneawatshiadnamlearnigasgoolepesebpaitenwitiemyfioyuseeemisaktesoerrrosoraenthignlkiehattbecausiemstillearningantryingtopiromveyeslfevrydythankyouvrymuhagnhavnicdya!.Alspleepepiaetwitiadthattimneawatshiadnamlearnigasgoolepesebpaitenwitiemyfioyuseeemisaktesoerrrosoraenthignlkiehattbecausiemstillearningantryingtopiromveyeslfevrydy thank you v ry mu hag n ha v nic d ya!! Al s ple e pi a et wi ti ad tha t tim ne aw at shi ad na m le ar nig as go ol e pe se bpai ten wi ti em yf io yu se e mi sa kte s o err ro s o ran thing lik e hat t becau si em st il le ar nin g ant ryi ng top ir om ve yes lf ev ryd y thank yo u v ry mu hag n ha v nic d ya!! Al s ple e pi a et wi ti ad tha t tim ne aw at shi ad na m le ar nig as go ol e pe se bpai ten wi ti em yf io yu se e mi sa kte s o err ro s o ran thing lik e hat t becau si em st il le ar nin g ant ryi ng top ir om ve yes lf ev ryd y thank yo u v ry mu hag n ha v nic d ya!![/code] Al s ple e pi a et wi ti ad tha t tim ne aw at shi ad na m le ar nig as go ol e pe se bpai ten wi ti em yf io yu se e mi sa kte s o err ro s o ran thing lik e hat t becau si em st il le ar nin g ant ryi ng top ir om ve yes lf ev ryd y thank yo u v ry mu hag n ha v nic d ya!! Al s ple e pi a et wi ti ad tha t tim ne aw at shi ad na m le ar nig as go ol e pe se bpai ten wi ti em yf io yu se e mi sa kte s o err ro s o ran thing lik e hat t becau si em st il le ar nin g ant ryi ng top ir om ve yes lf ev ryd y thank yo u v ry mu hag n ha v nic d ya!! Al s ple e pi a et wi ti ad tha t tim ne aw at shi ad na m le ar nig as go ol e pe se bpai ten wi ti em yf io yu se e mi sa kte s o err ro s o ran thing lik e hat t becau si em st il le ar nin g ant ryi ng top ir om ve yes lf ev ryd y thank yo u v ry mu hag n ha v nic d ya!! Alspleepepiaetwitadthattimneawatshiadnamlearnigasgoolepesebpaitenwitemyfioyuseeemisaktesoerrrosoranthinglikethatbecauseimstillearningantryingtoimproveyeslfevrydythankyouvrymuhagnhavnicdya!.Alspleepepiaetwitadthattimneawatshiadnamlearnigasgoolepesebpaitenwitemyfioyuseeemisaktesoerrrosoranthinglikethatbecauseimstillearningantryingtoimproveyeslfevrydythankyouvrymuhagnhavnicdya!.Alspleepepiaetwitadthattimneawatshiadnamlearnigasgoolepesebpaitenwitemyfioyuseeemisaktesoerrrosoranthinglikethatbecauseimstillearningantryingtoimproveyeslfevrydythankyouvrymuhagnhavnicdya!.Alspleepepiaetwitadthattimneawatshiadnamlearnigasgoolepesebpaitenwitemyfioyuseeemisaktesoerrrosoranthinglikethatbecauseimstillearningantryingtoimproveyeslfevrydythankyouvrymuhagnhavnicdyathankyouverymuchagainhaveaniceday!:)))))).Hereismyviewsetcodesofar.:Iamusingdjangorestframeworklogic.:Thanksagain!:IAppreciateyourhelp!:Haveaniceday!:)))))).Hereismyviewsetcodesofar.:Iamusingdjangorestframeworklogic.:Thanksagain!:IAppreciateyourhelp!:Haveaniceday! This code defines two models, User and Post. The User model has fields for name and email, while the Post model has fields for title, body, author, created, updated, slug, tags, likes, views, and comments. The code also defines a Meta class for the Post model with a related_name attribute.

Model Relationships in Django REST Framework

In Django REST Framework, model relationships are represented by a set of fields in the models that are related to each other. For example, a model representing a user might have fields for their name and email address. If the user changes their email address, the framework will automatically update the name field as well.

To create a model relationship, you first need to create a field in one of your models that represents the relationship between the two models. The name of this field will be the same as the name of the field in the other model. For example, if we wanted to create a model relationship between our user and email address models, we would create a field called id_user in our user model and call it id_email in our email address model.

Next, you need to create an associated field in your other model that represents the data that will be stored in this relationship. This associated field should have the same name as thefield in your first model but with an underscore ( _ ) appended to it. For example, if we wanted to store an ID number for each user, we would create an id_user field in our user model and call it id_id in our email address model.

Finally, you need to add a relation() method to your firstmodel that returns a list of tuples representing all of the relationships between fields in your secondmodel . For example, if we wanted to find all of the users who have an email address ending with “test”, we would use relation() like so:

def relation(self, other): return [ (id_user, id_email) for (id_user, id_email) in self._get_all() ]

What is REST Framework

REST Framework is a library for creating RESTful web services in Django. It provides a simple and consistent way to create web services that can be consumed by other applications.

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