Résolu : obtenir la liste de tous les documents dans django-elasticsearch-dsl

Le principal problème est qu'Elasticsearch ne dispose pas d'un moyen natif d'obtenir une liste de tous les documents dans un index donné. Vous pouvez utiliser l'API de recherche, mais cela ne renverra qu'un seul document à la fois.

J'utilise django-elasticsearch-dsl et je veux obtenir la liste de tous les documents dans l'index. Comment puis je faire ça?


Vous pouvez utiliser le Search objet de django_elasticsearch_dsl. C'est une sous-classe de ElasticsearchDSL Objet de recherche, vous pouvez donc également utiliser toutes les méthodes à partir de là. Les documents pour cela sont ici : https://elasticsearch-dsl.readthedocs.io/en/latest/search_dsl.html#the-search-object

Obtenir tous les documents

<code>from django_elasticsearch_dsl import Search, Index

s = Search(index='blog')
.query('match', title='python')

response = s.execute()

for hit in response: # iterate over hits from response object
print(hit) # print each hit as a dict (default)

for hit in s: # iterate over hits from search query directly
print(hit) # print each hit as a dict (default)

for hit in s[0:10]: # slice results to get only first 10 hits
print(hit) # print each hit as a dict (default)

len(s) # number of total hits found by query (slow!) &lt;--- this is what you want! &lt;--- this is what you want! &lt;--- this is what you want! &lt;--- this is what you want! &lt;--- this is what you want! len(response) # number of total hits found by query (slow!) &lt;--- this is what you want! &lt;--- this is what you want! &lt;--- this is what you want! &lt;--- this is what you want! list(s)[0] # first result as a Python dictionary list(response)[0] # first result as a Python dictionary response[0] # first result as an ElasticSearch Hit response[0].meta # metadata associated with the Hit response[0].meta.score # score associated with the Hit response[0].title # title field value list(response)[1]['title'] ## second result's 'title' field value<;/pre>;<;br />;>;br />;The above code will return all documents matching your query, but it will not return any fields other than _id and _type unless they are explicitly requested via source(). To retrieve more fields, use source():<;br />;from django_elasticsearch_dsl import Search, Index, F ;from elasticsearch_dsl import Q ;import json ;import pprint ;pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter();pprint = pp.pprint ;s = Search().query('match', title='python').source([ 'title', 'body' ]) ;for i in range((len(s))): pprint((json.loads((str)(s[i]).replace("'", """)))) ;## or simply do it like below :## [{'body': 'Python and Django go together like peanut butter and jelly.'

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