Isonjululwe: indlela yokufumana ukushwankathelwa kwawo onke amaxabiso kwi-tuple python

Ingxaki kukuba ii-tuples aziguquki, ngoko awukwazi ukuzongeza nje. Kufuneka wenze i-tuple entsha kunye nenani lamaxabiso kwii-tuples zoqobo.

-3.x tuple asked Jul 15 '19 at 10:14

Python Tuple - GeeksforGeeks Python Tuple is a collection of Python objects separated by commas. Tuples are immutable, and usually, they contain an heterogeneous sequence of elements that are accessed via unpacking or indexing (or even by attribute in the case of namedtuples). Tuples that contain immutable elements can be used as...

python - How to sum a tuple? - Stack Overflow I have a tuple with numbers in it and I want to sum all the values in the tuple together, how do I do this? For example: my_tuple = (1, 2, 3) #I want this to return 6 my_tuple = (1, 2) #I want this to return 3 my_tuple = () #I want this to return 0 Thanks!

Python Tutorial: Sum function and counting with for loops The sum function takes an iterable and returns the sum of items in it. If you don't pass an iterable, you get a TypeError . You can use it like so: >>> sum([1, 2]) 3 >>> sum([1]) 1 >>> sum([]) Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1...

Python sum () Umsebenzi Python sum () Umsebenzi oKwakhelwe-ngaphakathi Imisebenzi. Umzekelo. Buyisela isixa samaxabiso kuludwe: x = sum(uluhlu1) print(x).

python-Ungashwankathela njani i-tuple? – Code Imizekelo python – Indlela ukushwankathela a tuple? Ndine-tuple enamanani kuyo kwaye ndifuna ukushwankathela onke amaxabiso kwi-tuple kunye, ndiyenza njani le nto? Umzekelo: my_tuple = (1, 2, 3) #Ndifuna ukuba oku kubuyise i-6 yam_tuple = (1, 2) #Ndifuna oku kukubuyisela 3 yam_tuple = () #ndifuna le...

Yintoni i-tuple


I-tuple lulwakhiwo lwedatha olubambe ulandelelwano lwezinto ezimbini okanye ngaphezulu. Ii-Tuples zisetyenziswa kakhulu kwiPython ukugcina amanani amaninzi kwinguqu enye.

Ukusebenza ngee-tuples

Kwi-Python, ii-tuples zisakhiwo sedatha esikuvumela ukuba ugcine amaxabiso amaninzi kwinguqu enye. Ii-Tuples ziluncedo ekugcineni idatha ehlelwe ngendlela ethile, njengoluhlu lwezinto okanye uluhlu lwamaxabiso.

Ukusebenzisa ii-tuples kwikhowudi yakho, kufuneka uqale wenze into ye-tuple. Ukwenza oku, usebenzisa i tuple() umsebenzi. Isivakalisi se tuple() umsebenzi umi ngolu hlobo lulandelayo:

tuple(uluhlu[, dtype])

apho uluhlu luluhlu lwamaxabiso oluya kugcinwa kwinto ye-tuple, kwaye dtype luhlobo lwedatha lwamaxabiso kuluhlu. Kwiimeko ezininzi, uya kufuna ukusebenzisa int () umsebenzi ukuguqula amaxabiso kuluhlu lube ziintlanganisela phambi kokuwagcina kwinto ye tuple.

Nje ukuba wenze into ye-tuple, unokufikelela kwizinto zayo usebenzisa ubhalo lwamachaphaza. Umzekelo, ukuba ubufuna ukufikelela kwinto yesithathu kwituple into ebizwa ngokuba yi-myTuple, ungasebenzisa i-myTuple[2].

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