Isonjululwe: imbono ye-django…uhlaziyo lwe-2C okanye cima – GET%2C POST%2C GET%2C PUT%2C DELETE%29

Ingxaki ephambili ngeembono ze-django kukuba azikhusekanga. Oku kuthetha ukuba ukuba uhlaziya okanye ucima imbono kumsonto omnye, ayizukubonakala kweminye imisonto.

I am trying to create a view in Django that will allow me to either update or delete an object. I have been able to get the view to work for either updating or deleting, but not both. For example, if I use the following code, I can update an object:

def my_view(request): if request.method == 'POST': # do something return HttpResponseRedirect('/success/') else: # do something else return render_to_response('my_template.html', {}, context_instance=RequestContext(request))

However, if I try to add a DELETE method, the view no longer works:

def my_view(request): if request.method == 'POST': # do something return HttpResponseRedirect('/success/') elif request.method == 'DELETE': # do something else return render_to_response('my_template.html', {}, context_instance=RequestContext(request))

Le khowudi yimboniselo kwi-Django evumela umsebenzisi ukuba ahlaziye okanye acime into. Ukuba indlela yesicelo yi-'POST', into leyo iya kuhlaziywa. Ukuba indlela yesicelo ithi 'CIMA', into ke leyo iya kucinywa.

Uyicima njani iposi kunye nokucima ithegi

Kwi-Django, unokucima isithuba okanye ithegi ngokusebenzisa indlela yokucima () kwi-Post object.

Ukucima isithuba:

1. Kwiphaneli yolawulo yebhlog yakho, cofa iiPosts.

2. Kuludwe lweZithuba, cofa isithuba ofuna ukusicima.

3. Kwiphepha leenkcukacha zePosi, phantsi ko-"Cima le post?" cofa Ewe.

4. Kwiphepha lokuqinisekisa, cofa Cima.

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