Isonjululwe: intsimi yomhla wohlaziyo lwe-adjango admin

Ingxaki enkulu kukuba umhla wohlaziyo lwe-auto awuphathwanga ngokufanelekileyo nguDjango. Ukuba uzama ukuhlaziya intsimi yomhla usebenzisa i-interface yomlawuli, i-Django iya kuhlaziya ngokuzenzekelayo zonke iindawo etafileni ngegama elifanayo, kubandakanywa nomhlaba wohlaziyo oluzenzekelayo. Oku kunokukhokelela kutshintsho olungalindelekanga nolunokubakho olungachanekanga kwidatha yakho.

I have a model with a date field. I want to automatically update the date field when an object is created or edited in the admin panel. How can I do this?


You can override <code>save_model</code> method of your admin class and set the value of <code>date</code> field to <code></code>. 
<p><strong><a href="" rel="nofollow noreferrer">ModelAdmin</a></strong></p>
<p><strong><a href="" rel="nofollow noreferrer">save_model()</a></strong></p>
<p>[...] This method should save the object and return the new instance.</p>
<code>class MyModelAdmin(admin, ModelAdmin):

    def save_model(self, request, obj, form, change):

        if not change: # obj is being created for first time (i e., it's new)

            obj = super().save_model(request, obj, form, change) # create object first

            # now set your custom values here... 

            obj = super().save_model(request, obj, form=form._meta['fields'], change=change) # update object with custom values    

        else: # existing object is being edited (i e., it's not new)    

            # now set your custom values here... 

            obj = super().save_model(request, obj=obj._meta['fields'], form=form._meta['fields'], change=change) # update object with custom values        

        return obj  

Yintoni indawo yohlaziyo oluzenzekelayo

Indawo ethi "Uhlaziyo oluzenzekelayo" yintsimi ye-boolean kwitheyibhile "yeseto" yeprojekthi ye-Django. Xa isetelwe kwiNyaniso, i-Django iya kukhangela ngokuzenzekelayo uhlaziyo kwiifayile zoseto lweprojekthi kwaye, ukuba kukho naziphi na iisetingi ezintsha ezifunyenweyo, ziya kuhlaziya iifayile zeprojekthi.

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