Solved: react native rotate

The main problem with react native rotate is that it is not well supported by most devices. This means that it may not work correctly on your device, or may not be available at all.

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Solved: react native duplicate resources%3A Android

The main problem with react native duplicate resources is that it can cause performance issues on Android devices. React Native handles duplicate resources by caching the copies of the resources in memory, but if there are too many duplicate resources, this can lead to slowdowns.

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Solved: react native clear gradle cache

The main problem with using a real-time cache for gradle is that it can slow down your builds. By default, gradle uses a local cache that is stored on the machine where gradle is running. If you are using a remote repository, the cache will be stored on the server where the repository is located. However, if you are working with a local repository, the cache will be stored on your machine.

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Solved: react native position absolute center

The main problem related to react native position absolute center is that it can be difficult to determine the absolute center of a React Native application. This can be problematic if you need to use this information in order to perform calculations or draw layouts.

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Solved: react native reset cache

The main problem with react native reset cache is that it can cause problems with your app’s data. If your app relies on data stored in the cache, resetting the cache may cause that data to be lost.

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Solved: react native text underline

The main problem with react native text underline is that it can be difficult to get the desired look and feel. Additionally, it can be difficult to keep the underline consistent across different devices.

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