Kuxazululiwe: uyinikeza kanjani irediyasi kungemuva lesithombe ku-react native

Inkinga enkulu ngendlela yokunikeza irediyasi kungemuva lesithombe ku-React Native ukuthi ayikho indlela eyakhelwe ngaphakathi yokwenza kanjalo. Isixazululo esisodwa esingaba khona ukusebenzisa umtapo wolwazi wezinkampani zangaphandle, njenge-ImageBackground.js.

There is no built-in way to do this in React Native. However, you can use the borderRadius style property on a View component that contains an ImageBackground component:

<View style={{borderRadius: 10}}> <ImageBackground source={{uri: 'https://example.com/image.png'}} style={{width: 200, height: 200}} /> </View>

Le khodi idala isithombe esiyindilinga ngokwengeza irediyasi yomngcele ekubukeni okuqukethe ingemuva lesithombe.

Hlela izithombe kokuthi React

Ku-React, ungasebenzisa ingxenye yesithombe ukuze ungeze isithombe kuhlelo lwakho lokusebenza. Ungasebenzisa futhi ingxenye yesithombe ukuze udale isithonjana sesithombe.

Ukwengeza isithombe kuhlelo lwakho lokusebenza, udinga kuqala ukungenisa ingxenye yesithombe ukusuka ku-React. Bese, ungasebenzisa umsebenzi we-Image() ukuze uthole ireferensi engxenyeni yesithombe.

Ungasebenzisa isici se-src sengxenye yesithombe ukuze uthole ireferensi yomthombo wesithombe. Ungasebenzisa futhi izici ze-srcset nosayizi bengxenye yesithombe ukuze uthole izinkomba zomthombo wezithombe ezinokulungiswa nobukhulu obuhlukahlukene.

Okokugcina, ungasebenzisa izici ze-alt nesihloko zengxenye yesithombe ukuze usethe umbhalo ozovela eduze noma ngaphezulu kwesithombe kuhlelo lwakho lokusebenza.

Okuthunyelwe okuhlobene:

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