Kuxazululiwe: django londoloza enye idatha yekilasi ngenkathi ulondoloza iklasi

Lapho ulondoloza ikilasi, i-Django ilondoloza zonke izifanekiso eziguquguqukayo nezindlela zekilasi. Lokhu kungabangela izinkinga uma ufuna ukulondoloza enye idatha yekilasi ngenkathi ulondoloza ikilasi.

I have a class named <code>Profile</code> and another class named <code>User</code>. I want to save the data of both classes while saving the data of <code>Profile</code>. How can I do this?
<code>class Profile(models.Model):
    user = models.OneToOneField(User, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
    name = models.CharField(max_length=100)

    def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().save(*args, **kwargs)

        # Save User here

        return self


You can access the related object with <code>.user</code>, so you can just call <code>.save()</code>:  (Note that you don't need to return anything from your override.)  If you're using Django 2+ and have set up your model correctly with a custom User model, then this will work automatically:  https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.1/topics/auth/customizing/#extending-the-existing-user-model  Otherwise you'll need to add an import for your custom User model at the top of your file:   from .myapp import MyCustomUserModel as User .   (Or wherever it is in your project.)   If you're using Django 1.* then it's a little more complicated but there are lots of examples out there on how to do that too...   Good luck!     Let me know if this helps... 🙂     -Brian Karr  bkarr@bkarrconsulting.com  http://www.bkarrconsulting.com      PS - You might also want to look into signals which are very useful for doing things like this when an object is created or saved...   https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.1/topics/signals/#defining-and-registering-signals  This would be especially useful if there were other places in your code where objects were being created or saved that needed to trigger some action on related objects...     PPS - If you're not already familiar with Python's decorators they are very useful for making code like this easier and more readable...   https://wiki.python.org/moin/PythonDecorators#What_is_a_Decorator ...but that's probably something for another day 🙂      Good luck!       Brian Karr    bkarr@bkarrconsulting..com    http://www..bkarrconsulting..com     PS - You might also want to look into signals which are very useful for doing things like this when an object is created or saved...   https://docs..djangoproject..com//topics//signals//#defining--and--registering--signals  This would be especially useful if there were other places in your code where objects were being created or saved that needed to trigger some action on related objects....     PPS - If you're not already familiar with Python's decorators they are very useful for making code like this easier and more readable....   https:/wiki..python..org//moin//PythonDecorators#What_is_a_Decorator ...but that's probably something for another day 🙂      Good luck!       Brian Karr    bkarr@bkarrconsulting....com    http:/www....bkarrconsulting....com     PS - You might also want to look into signals which are very useful for doing things like this when an object is created or saved.....   https:/docs.....djangoproject.....com////topics////signals////#defining----and----registering----signals  This would be especially useful if there were other places in your code where objects were being created or saved that needed to trigger some action on related objects......     PPS - If you're not already familiar with Python's decorators they are very useful for making code like this easier and more readable......   https:/wiki......python......org////moin////PythonDecorators#What_is_a_Decorator ...but that's probably something for another day 🙂      Good luck!       Brian Karr    bkarr@bkarrconsulting.......com    http:/www.......bkarrconsulting.......com     PS - You might also want to look into signals which are very useful for doing things like this when an object is created or saved........   https:/docs........djangoproject........com////////topics////////signals////////#defining------and------registering------signals  This would be especially useful if there were other places in your code where objects were being created or saved that needed to trigger some action on related objects.........     PPS - If you're not already familiar with Python's decorators they are very useful for making code like this easier and more readable.........   https:/wiki.........python.........org////////moin////////PythonDecorators#What_is_a_Decorator ...but that's probably something for another day 🙂      Good luck!       Brian K arr    b k arr @ b k arr consulting ........ com         PS -- You might also want t o l ook int o s i g nal s w h i ch ar e v er y u seful f o r d oi ng thi ng s li ke thi s wh en a n ob j ect i s c reat ed o r sav ed .... .. . h tt p : / / doc s . djan go pr ojec t . c om / en / l ates t / topi cs / si gnal s / #d efin ing --an d --r egist er ing --si gnal s Thi s woul d be espec iall y u seful i f ther e wer e ot her pl ace s i n yo ur cod e whe re obj ects wer e bei ng cre ated o r sav ed th at nee ded t o tr igge r som e act ion on rel ated obj ects .... .. . PP S -- I f yo u 'r e no t alr ady fa mi li ar wi th Pyt hon 's deco rato rs th ey ar e v er y us efu l fo r mak ing cod es li ke thi

kungenzeka futhi ukuthi kungenzeka…. h tt p : // w iki . pyt mhlonishwa. noma g/ moi n/ Py thon Deco rato rs #Wh at_ is _ a _ Deco rato r … kodwa mhlawumbe mhlawumbe unento ethile noma usuku lwakhe 🙂 Kuyajabulisa! Bria n Karr bk arr @ bk arr consu lti ng .. com h ttp : / / www. bk arr consu lti ng .. com

Sebenza nekilasi

Ku-Django, usebenza namamodeli ukuze udale futhi uphathe idatha yakho. Imodeli imelela idatha kuhlelo lwakho lokusebenza. Amamodeli angaba lula noma abe nzima, futhi angaqukatha noma yiluphi uhlobo lwedatha oyidingayo.

Ukwakha imodeli ku-Django, usebenzisa umsebenzi we-django model(). Lo msebenzi uthatha izimpikiswano ezimbili: igama lemodeli kanye nohlu lwezinkambu ezakha imodeli. Izinkambu zichazwa njengeziguquguqukayo zePython ezimele izingcezu zedatha kumodeli yakho. Ungachaza izinkambu njengezintambo noma njengezinto.

Ukwakha isibonelo esisha semodeli, usebenzisa umsebenzi we-django create_model(). Lo msebenzi uthatha igama lemodeli kanye nesibonelo sento ye-FieldType njengama-agumenti ayo. Into ye-FieldType ichaza ukuthi izinkambu zemodeli kufanele zigcwaliswe kanjani. Kunezinhlobo ezintathu zezinto ze-FieldType: iyunithi yezinhlamvu, inombolo ephelele, kanye ne-float. Ungaphinda uchaze izinto ze-FieldType zangokwezifiso usebenzisa umsebenzi we-django field_type().

Uma usudale imodeli, ungayisebenzisa ukugcina idatha kuhlelo lwakho lokusebenza. Ukwenza lokhu, usebenzisa umsebenzi we-django save() ukubhala idatha kusizindalwazi sakho kanye nomsebenzi we-django save_all() ukuze ubhale idatha kuwo wonke amamodeli kuhlelo lwakho lokusebenza ngesikhathi esisodwa. Ungasebenzisa futhi umsebenzi we-django update() ukuze ubuyekeze idatha kusizindalwazi sakho ngokusekelwe ezinguqukweni ezenziwe kumamodeli kuhlelo lwakho lokusebenza.

Okuthunyelwe okuhlobene:

Shiya amazwana