La xaliyay: ma jiro fariin ka reeban oo la keenay template django

Dhibaatada ugu weyni waa in fariinta ka reeban ee la keenay template django aysan ahayn mid u gaar ah Django. Waxaa loo isticmaali karaa qaab kasta oo horumarinta shabakadda.

 I have a form with a field that is required. If the user submits the form without filling in the required field, I want to display an error message. This is my view: def add_item(request): if request.method == 'POST': form = ItemForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): item = Item() = request.POST['name'] return HttpResponseRedirect('/items/') else: return render_to_response('items/add_item... Read More

Django - How to use a custom decorator with class based views? django-templates I have been trying to use a custom decorator with Django's class based views but it doesn't seem to work as expected and I can't figure out why? Here's what I'm doing: from django import template from django... Read More

How do you create a dropdown list in Django using Python? django-templates How do you create a dropdown list in Django using Python? For example, let's say that you have the following data stored in your database table called "Fruit": Fruit ID Fruit Name 1 Apple 2 Banana 3 Orange 4 Pear 5 Strawberry 6 Watermelon 7 Pineapple 8 Grapes 9 Kiwi 10 Mango 11 Papaya 12 Peach 13 Cherry 14 Grapefruit 15 Lemon 16 Lime 17 Cantaloupe 18 Honeydew 19 Rockmelon 20 Pomegranate 21 Apricot 22 Avocado 23 Blueberry 24 Blackberry 25 Cranberry 26 Fig 27 Gooseberry 28 Guava 29 Jackfruit 30 Lychee 31 Mulberry 32 Nectarine 33 Orange 34 Peach 35 Pear 36 Plum 37 Prune 38 Raspberry 39 Strawberry 40 Tomato 41 Pineapple 42 Banana 43 Mango 44 Orange 45 Strawberry 46 Cherry 47 Apple 48 Guava 49 Banana 50 Mango 51 Orange 52 Strawberry 53 Cherry 54 Apple 55 Guava 56 Banana 57 Mango 58 Orange 59 Strawberry 60 Cherry 61 Apple 62 Guava 63 Banana 64 Mango 65 Orang...Read More

Django - Sidee u abuurtaa liiska hoos u dhaca Django adoo isticmaalaya Python? django-templates Sideed u abuurtaa liiska hoos u dhaca Django adoo isticmaalaya Python? Tusaale ahaan, aan sheegno in aad haysatid xogta soo socota ee ku kaydsan miiska xogtaada ee loo yaqaan "Fruit": Aqoonsiga Miraha Magaca Miraha 1 Tufaax 2 Muus 3 Orange 4 Pear 5 Strawberry 6 Qaraha 7 Cananaaska 8 Canab 9 Kiwi 10 Cambaha 11 Papaya 12 Peach 13 Cherry 14 Grapefruit 15 Lemon 16 Lime 17 Cantaloupe 18 Honeyew 19 Rockmelon 20 Rumaanka 21 Abrikot 22 Avocado 23 Blueberry 24 Blackberry 25 Cranberry 26 Fig 27 Gooseberry 28 Guavait 29 30 31 32 Jack Raspberry 33 Strawberry 34 Tomato 35 Pineapple 36 Muuska 37 Cambaha 38 Orange 39 Strawberry 40 Cherry 41 Apple 42 Guava 43 Muuska 44 Cambaha 45 Orange 46 Strawberry Muuska 47 Canbaha 48 Orang…Read More

Sida loo isticmaalo faylka template dibadda ah ee maamulaha Django? django-templates Waxaan isku dayayaa inaan u isticmaalo feyl template dibadeed bogga change_form.html ee maamulaha Django. Dukumeentigu wuxuu leeyahay: Si aad meesha uga saarto qaabka change_form.html, si fudud u samee mid cusub oo isku magac ah oo dhig mid ka mid ah hagahaaga TEMPLATE_DIRS. Laakin ma hubo buuga aan galinayo

Fariinta ka reeban

Marka laga reebo ka dhaco Django, waxay daabacdaa fariinta console-ka. Fariintani waxay inta badan ka kooban tahay macluumaadka ku saabsan marka laga reebo, sida koodka Python ee sababay.

Wax ka beddel qaababka

Waxaa jira dhowr siyaabood oo wax looga beddelo qaab-dhismeedka Django. Habka ugu fudud waa in la isticmaalo template tag. Tusaale ahaan, in lagu daro madax qaab-dhismeedka:

{% load header %} {% set header = "My Header" %} {% had not is_bog %} {% set header = "My Header" %} {% endif %}

Waxa kale oo aad isticmaali kartaa processor-ka macnaha guud si aad u bedesho macnaha doorsoomiyaha template:

{% load context %} {% set context = "my_context" %} {% haddii aan ahayn waa_bog %} {% set context = "my_context" %} {% endif %}

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