Solved: django admin auto update date field

The main problem is that the auto update date field is not properly handled by Django. If you try to update the date field using the admin interface, Django will automatically update all of the fields in the table with the same name, including the auto update date field. This can lead to unexpected and potentially incorrect changes to your data.

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Solved: django models get all

There is a problem with Django models getting all when querying them. This can happen if the model has a many-to-many relationship with another model, and the querying model tries to access the other model’s data as well. This can cause problems because the querying model might not be able to find any data that it expects to find, or it might find too much data.

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Solved: django model queries

One of the main problems with Django model queries is that they can be very verbose. For example, if you want to find all the articles in a given blog, you would need to use a query like this:

articles = Blog.objects.all()

If you wanted to find all the articles that have been published in the last month, you would need to use a query like this:

articles_published_in_the_last_month = Blog.objects.filter(published=True)

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Solved: Django rest_framework-social-oauth2

The main problem is that Django rest_framework-social-oauth2 does not support authentication using OAuth 2.0. This means that you cannot use it to authorize users who are not already logged in to your website.

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Solved: .comments.all order django


The main problem related to comments is that they can be a source of confusion and frustration for site visitors. Comments can be difficult to manage, and it can be difficult to keep track of which comments are still active and which have been deleted.

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Solved: django-filter field name greater than

The main problem related to the Django Filter field name greater than is that it will not work with certain types of data. For example, if you have a field called “name” that is a string, and you try to use the Filter field with a value of “greater than”, Django will not allow it.

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