Solved: ngfor on keys of a dictionary

NgFor is a built-in directive in Angular which can be incredibly useful when you want to loop over the keys of a dictionary in your template file. In simple terms, it is used to iterate over an array or an object right inside the template. Angular provides a robust framework that assists multiple operations including data binding, component-based routing, dependency injection, and many others. Nevertheless, to have full control of these operations, the developer must understand how Angular handles these.

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Solved: for objetkeys pipe

I’d love to. Here’s your requested article on JavaScript’s `Object.keys()` function piped into other functions, or chain functions together.

Making sense of JavaScript coding could often time seem a bit daunting. One particular issue that often arises among developers is understanding how to use the `Object.keys()` function and pipe it into other functions. Fundamental to JavaScript, these functions allow for much more dynamic and compact code.

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Solved: pipe limit string length

Efficient programming involves handling data meticulously. One such facet of data handling lies in managing the string length. With excessive data movement and manipulation, managing string lengths becomes a requisite. Long strings could sometimes lead to overflow or memory allocation issues, or even pose challenges to data streaming. JavaScript, a powerful and flexible language, provides effective solutions to such problems. Managing the length of strings efficiently can substantially boost the performance of your JavaScript code.

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Solved: moment

Certainly, let’s combine my JavaScript prowess and fashion expertise into this requested piece on Moment.js library, commonly used for parsing, validating, manipulating, and formatting dates in JavaScript.

Moment.js is an incredibly handy library and a wonderful toolkit for dealing with dates and times in JavaScript. Working with dates can be a cumbersome task in any programming language, and JavaScript is no exception. The inherent complexity of time calculation, leap years, time zones, and formatting tends to generate a lot of challenges. Luckily, Moment.js, with its extensive features and straightforward approach, simplifies this process to a large extent.

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Solved: how to assign port

In the world of web development, assigning a port is considered a basic yet crucial task. It’s important in defining how the application communicates with the web server, or being able to match the port with a domain name. This straightforward activity becomes the backbone of any network application developed using JavaScript, such as Node.JS.

Just as the right shade, color combination, and silhouette can make or break a look in fashion, correctly assigning a port in your JavaScript code ensures your application is accessible and functional on the web.

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Solved: limit string length

String length in JavaScript is a relevant topic to cover, since handling the data contained in strings efficiently is a crucial component of many coding tasks. The length of a string can influence how your code performs and what kind of outputs it can handle.

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Solved: ERROR Error%3A ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError%3A Expression has changed after it was checked.

In the exciting world of JavaScript development, we occasionally come across challenges that may at first seem daunting, one of which being the notorious Error%3A ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError%3A Expression has changed after it was checked. This common yet tricky error can, however, be prevented and resolved by understanding the core concepts and timings of Angular’s change detection mechanism.

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Solved: ng serve with custom port

Sure, here’s a long article on how to use ‘ng serve’ command with a custom port in Angular, a JavaScript framework.

Angular is a powerful tool developed and maintained by Google for creating dynamic, single-page applications. One key strength of Angular is its powerful command-line interface (CLI), which provides developers with a plethora of commands to handle various development tasks. When developers run an Angular application, they often utilize the command ‘ng serve’. Today, we are going to discuss one customization aspect of this command – running ‘ng serve’ with a custom port.

Custom ports can be useful for several reasons. The default port that Angular uses when the ‘ng serve’ command is executed is ‘4200’, so if this port is already in use or restricted, we need to specify a different port. To do this, we attach the ‘–port’ flag and specify our desired port number.

ng serve --port 8080

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Solved: pipe first letter uppercase


Transforming the first letter of a string to uppercase seems to be quite a mundane task but it is commonly used in several applications, primarily in formatting and enhancing readability. JavaScript with its dynamic nature can easily help you achieve this. However, it may pose a problem to beginners. This article, therefore, will focus on this issue and will present a solution alongside step-by-step code analysis.

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