Solved: login to discord with token

The main problem is that Discord requires a token to login. This token can be obtained by either registering for an account or by purchasing one. However, many users are not aware of this requirement and are unable to login due to this limitation.

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Solved: if screen width

The main problem related to screen width is that it can be difficult to create layouts that look good on all devices. For example, if you want a layout that looks good on a desktop computer, it may not look as good on a phone or tablet.

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Solved: password regex

The main problem with password regex is that it can be easily hacked. A hacker could use a regex to search for passwords and then use those passwords to access accounts.

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Solved: jquery document ready

The main problem with jQuery document ready is that it can cause a lot of headaches. It’s a feature that was added to jQuery in order to make it easier to create responsive websites, but it can also be used for other purposes. If you’re not careful, document ready can cause your website to become cluttered and difficult to manage.

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