Solved: on window resize

Resizing a window might seem like an insignificant task in web development, but it actually ties quite a few concepts from JavaScript and Typescript, and plays a crucial part in ensuring a responsive and user-friendly design. In the context of a dynamic UI/UX, the ‘window resize’ function is paramount. Everyday examples could include a sidebar that shrinks upon window resizing to give a seamless reading space, or a gallery image adjusting itself to prevent distortion. The modification is done reactively by listening for a window resize event.

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Solved: font awesome angular

Sure, here is the long article about Font Awesome Angular:

Font Awesome is a wonderful icon library that can be utilized in our Angular applications. Incorporating Font Awesome gives developers access to hundreds of versatile and scalable vectors icons which can be personalized with CSS. This is particularly useful since it allows us to use fine icons without the need to rely heavily on graphics or image files. This can really simplify the maintenance and organization of your Angular projects. In this guide, we’ll learn how to incorporate Font Awesome into your Angular application step-by-step.

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Solved: ts queryselectorall as htmlelement

In today’s society where information overload is common, dealing with HTML documents is no exception. Every web page of the internet universe is built on HTML, creating a labyrinthine mesh of elements and tags. A key to navigating through this mesh in a structured and systematic manner is through the use of the querySelectorAll method in JavaScript or, in our case here, TypeScript. Today, we’ll delve deep into leveraging the capabilities of querySelectorAll as HTMLElement in TypeScript.

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Solved: ignore node_modules

As a developer, you’ve probably run across the folder `node_modules` in your projects. This is a crucial part of the JavaScript and TypeScript worlds, specifically in projects that utilize Node.js. These `node_modules` are like the DNA for your project, including all the libraries or dependencies your code needs to execute correctly. The issue is that this folder can quickly grow in size, making your project heavyweight, particularly in terms of version control systems. Plus, there can be a myriad of versioning conflicts if not handled correctly.

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Solved: getserversideprops

Sure, I’ll start drafting the article.

GetServerSideProps is a feature of the popular open-source JavaScript library, Next.js. This feature allows data fetching on the server-side, providing the magic to perform operations like page generation on every request which ultimately helps in enhancing SEO and user experience.

   export async function getServerSideProps(context) {
       const res = await fetch(`https://.../data`);
       const data = await res.json();

       if (!data) {
           return {
               notFound: true,

       return {
           props: { data },

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Solved: ts reverse array

Reversing an array in Typescript involves essentially changing the order of the elements inside an array from the extant sequence to the opposite. This process is a crucial facet in the manipulation of arrays, and hence, can be extremely helpful in solving a variety of complex problems.

The Typescript language encompasses a built-in method to reverse arrays, known as the array.reverse() function. Indeed, using this function, we can effortlessly reverse any array in Typescript.

To illustrate its usage, consider the following sample array:

let array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

We can then reverse this array by using the array.reverse() function as follows:

array = array.reverse();

This operation will reverse the order of the elements in the original array so that its sequence becomes the opposite of what it was before the function was applied.

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Solved: convert string to uppercase

In the world of Typescript programming, changing a string to uppercase is one of the fundamental operations a developer may encounter. This operation, noteworthy for its simplicity and commonality, is a beneficial tool when dealing cutting-edge applications or maintaining data consistency on a high level.

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Solved: record optional

Sure, let’s delve into the topic of “Record optional in Typescript”.

Residing on the fences of object-oriented programming, Typescript offers several programming constructs to work with data. A common structure in Typescript, derived from JavaScript, is the object. For these objects, Typescript provides us with the utility type called ‘Record’.

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Solved: object of strings

In web development, the manipulation of objects and strings is apparent and vital. Be it in static typing languages like TypeScript or dynamic ones like JavaScript, a keen understanding of these fundamentals promises a smoother coding journey. This article provides a comprehensive approach to dealing with an envelope of strings in TypeScript.

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