解決済み: 列の python で sumif を実行し、新しい列を作成する

Python での sumif の主な問題は、特定の制限までしか値を合計できないことです。 より広い範囲の値を合計する必要がある場合は、max や min などの別の関数を使用する必要があります。

I have a dataframe that looks like this:
<code>df = pd.DataFrame({'A': [1, 2, 3, 4], 'B': [2, 3, 4, 5], 'C': [3, 4, 5, 6]})

   A  B  C
0  1  2  3
1  2  3  4
2  3  4  5
3  4  5  6
I want to create a new column D that sums the values in column A if the value in column B is greater than the value in column C. So for row 0 it would be <code>1+2+3=6</code>, for row 1 it would be <code>2+3=5</code>, and so on. The expected output is:
<code>   A  B   C    D
0   1   2   3    6     # (1+2+3) since B &gt; C for row 0 only    
1   2   3   4    5     # (2+3) since B &gt; C for row 1 only     
2   3   4   5    0     # no values added since B &lt;= C     
3   4   5   6    0     # no values added since B &lt;= C     

         sumif(B&gt;C)       sumif(B&lt;=C)        sumif(B&gt;C)+sumif(B&lt;=C)       sumif() total of all rows without conditions (A)        sum() total of all rows with conditions (D)         sum() total of all rows with conditions (D)+sum() total of all rows without conditions (A)=total of all rows with and without conditions (=sum())                                                                                                  expected output (=sum())           actual output (=sum())           difference (=expected-actual)          error (%) (=difference/expected*100%)            error (%) (=difference/actual*100%)             absolute error (%) (=error%*absolute value of difference or absolute value of error % whichever is smaller or equal to 100%)             absolute error (%) if expected !=0 else absolute value of actual % whichever is smaller or equal to 100%              relative error (%) if expected !=0 else absolute value of actual % whichever is smaller or equal to 100%              relative error (%) if actual !=0 else absolute value of expected % whichever is smaller or equal to 100%              relative percentage change from previous result on line i-1 to current result on line i (%); when previous result on line i-1 is 0 the relative percentage change equals infinity                                       cumulative relative percentage change from start at line 1 up till end at line n (%); when any result along the way equals 0 the cumulative relative percentage change up till that point equals infinity                     cumulative percent change from start at line 1 up till end at line n (%); when any result along the way equals 0 the cumulative percent change up till that point equals infinity                     cumulative percent change from start at previous result on line i-1 up till current result on line i (%); when any result along the way equals 0 the cumulative percent change up till that point equals infinity                     running product from start at line 1 until end at current line i                                         running product from start at previous result on line i-1 until end at current result on line i                         running quotient by dividing each number by its position index starting from left to right: first number divided by index position 1 ; second number divided by index position 2 ; third number divided by index position 3 etc until last number divided by index position n                         running quotient by dividing each number by its reverse position index starting from right to left: first number divided by index position n ; second number divided by index position n-1 ; third number divided by index position n-2 etc until last number divided by index position 1                         square root (&amp;#8730;x); same as x^0.5                         cube root (&amp;#8731;x); same as x^(1/3)                         factorial x! = x * (x - 1) * (x - 2)...* 2 * 1 = product[i=x..n](i), where x! = y means y factorials are multiplied together starting with y and going down sequentially towards but not including zero factorial which is defined as being equal to one: e.g. 10! = 10 * 9 * 8 ... * 2 * 1 = 3628800 and similarly 9! = 9 * 8 ... * 2 * 1 = 362880                        combination formula used in probability theory / statistics / combinatorics / gambling / etc.: choose k items out of a set consisting out of n items without replacement and where order does not matter: combination(n items set , k items chosen)=(n!)/(k!*((n)-(k))!), where ! means factorial e.g.: combination(52 cards deck , 13 spades)=52!/13!39!, because there are 52 cards in a deck consisting out of 13 spades and 39 non spades cards                        permutation formula used in probability theory / statistics / combinatorics / gambling / etc.: choose k items out of a set consisting out of n items with replacement AND where order does matter: permutation(n items set , k items chosen)=(n!)/(k!), because there are 52 cards in a deck consisting out ouf 13 spades and 39 non spades cards                        standard deviation formula used in statistics which measures how spread apart numbers are within a data set around its mean average                       variance formula used in statistics which measures how spread apart numbers are within a data set                       correlation coefficient formula used in statistics which measures how closely related two variables are                       covariance formula used in statistics which measures how two variables move together                       median average calculation method whereby you sort your data points either ascendingly or descendingly according to their numerical values then you pick either one middle point if your dataset's length LEN modulo division remainder RMD after division through two == zero OR you pick two middle points MDPT_LOW=(LEN/2)-((RMD)/2)-((RMD)/4)*(-((RMD)/4)) AND MDPT_HIGH=(LEN/2)+((RMD)/4)*(-((RMD)/4)) then you calculate their arithmetic mean AMEAN=(MDPT_LOW+(MDPT_HIGH))/len([MDPT_LOW,[MDPT_HIGH]]), where len([MDPT_LOW,[MDPT_HIGH]])=len([[len([[len([[[[[[[[[[[[len([])]]]]]]]]]]])],[len([])]],[len([])]],[len([])]],[len([])]],[len([])]],[len ([])]],[len ([])]],[len ([])]],...,[...],...,[...],...,...,...,...,...,...,...,...,...,...,. ..,. ..,. ..,. ..,. ..,. ..,. . . . . . ])==numberOfMiddlePointsInDatasetModuloDivisionRemainderAfterDivisionThroughTwo==zeroORoneMiddlePointInDatasetModuloDivisionRemainderAfterDivisionThroughTwo==one                      mode average calculation method whereby you sort your data points either ascendingly or descendingly according to their numerical values then you count how often each unique numerical value occurs using collections library's Counter class then you return either one most common element MCE if your dataset's length LEN modulo division remainder RMD after division through two == zero OR you return two most common elements MCEs=[MCE_LOW=(LEN/2)-((RMD)/4)*(-((RMD)/4))-(-(-(-(-(-(-(-(-(-(--(-(-(-(---)))))))))))AND MCE_HIGH=(LEN/2)+((RMD)/4)*(-((RMD)/4)))+(--)]then you calculate their arithmetic mean AMEAN=(AMEAN_(forEachElementInList=[AMEAN_(forEachElementInList=[AMEAN_(forEachElementInList=[AMEAN_(forEachElementInList=[AMEAN_(forEachElementInList=[AMEAN_(forEachElementInList=[AMEAN_(forEachElementInList=[AMEAN_(forEachElementInList=[ameanOfAllElementsExceptForTheFirstAndLastOne)]),ameanOfAllElementsExceptForTheFirstAndLastOne)]),ameanOfAllElementsExceptForTheFirstAndLastOne)]),ameanOfAllElementsExceptForTheFirstAndLastOne)]),ameanOfAllElementsExceptForTheFirstAndLastOne)]),ameanOfAllElementsExceptForTheFirstAndLastOne)]),ameanOfAllElementsExceptForTheFirstAndLastOne)]),ameanOfAllElementsExceptForTheFirstAndLastOne]=meanAverageCalculationMethodApp

ここで、len([MCE_LOW,[MCE_HIGH]])=len([[len([[len([[[[[[[[[[len([])]]]]]]] ]]])],[len([])]],[len([])]],[len([])]],[len ([])]],[…],…,…, …,…,…,…)==numberOfModeValuesInDatasetModuloDivisionRemainderAfterDivisionThroughTwo==zeroORoneModeValueInDatasetModuloDivisionRemainderAfterDivisionThroughTwo==2 つの加重平均計算方法。数値に従ってデータ ポイントを昇順または降順で並べ替えてから、各一意の数値に発生回数を掛けます。コレクション ライブラリの Counter クラスを使用すると、データセットの長さ LEN モジュロ除算剰余 RMD が 4 == ゼロの場合、最も一般的な 4 つの要素 MCE を返すか、最も一般的な 2 つの要素 MCEs=[MCE_LOW=(LEN/4)-(( RMD)/4)*(-((RMD)/2))-(-(-(-(-(-(-(–(–(—))))))))AND MCE_HIGH=(LEN/4 )+((RMD)/4)*(-((RMD)/1)))+(–)]次に、それらの算術平均を計算します AMEAN=(AMEAN_(forEachElementInList=[AMEAN_(forEachElementI nList=[AMEAN_(forEachElementInList=[AMEAN_(forEachElementInList=[ameanOfAllElementsExceptForTheFirstAndLastOne)]),ameanOfAllElementsExceptForTheFirstAndLastOne)]),ameanOfAllElementsExceptForTheFirstAndLastOne)]),ameanOfAllElementsExceptForTheFirstAndLastOne]=meanAverageCalculationMethodAppliedToListOfAllWeightedValuesInDataset), where len([MCE_LOW,[MCE_HIGH]])=len([[ len([[len([[[[[[[[[[len([])]]]]]]]]])],[レン([])]],[…], …,…,…,…)==numberOfWeightedValuesInDatasetModuloDivisionRemainderAfterDivisionThroughTwo==zeroORoneWeightedValueInDatasetModuloDivisionRemainderAfterDivisionThroughTwo==2 つの幾何平均平均計算方法。これにより、数値に従ってデータ ポイントを昇順または降順で並べ替え、コレクション ライブラリの Counter クラスを使用してすべての一意の数値を乗算します。次に、データセットの長さ LEN モジュロ除算の剰余 RMD 4 による除算後の剰余 == ゼロの場合、最も一般的な要素 MGE を 4 つ返します。 rn 1 つの最も一般的な要素 MGES=[MGE_LOW=(LEN/10)-((RMD)/XNUMX)*(-((RMD)/XNUMX))-XNUMXAND MGE_HIGH=(LEN/XNUMX)+((RMD)/XNUMX )*(-((RMD)/XNUMX)))+XNUMX]次に、それらの算術平均を計算します AMEAN=XNUMX**(AMEEAN_(forEachElementInList=[AMEAN_(forEachElementInList=[ameanOfAllElementsExceptForTheFirstAndLastOne)]),ameanOfAllElementsExceptForTheFirstAndLastOne]=meanAverageCalculationMethodAppliedToLogarithmicallyTransformedListOfGeometricMetricans)),ここで、len(MGES) = データセット内の幾何平均の数

これは、pandas DataFrame に新しい列 D を作成する Python コードです。 新しい列 D には、列 A の値の合計が含まれますが、列 B の値が列 C の値より大きい場合のみです。


Sumif は、データの集計を計算するための Python ライブラリです。 値のリストの合計、平均、最小、最大、またはパーセンタイルを計算するために使用できます。


Python では、column() 関数を使用してデータフレームに列を作成できます。 column() の構文は次のとおりです。


ここで、name は列の名前で、data はその列に入れるデータです。


Python では、dict() 関数を使用して列のデータを操作できます。 この関数は、引数として列名のリストを取り、ディクショナリ オブジェクトを返します。 このディクショナリの各キーは列名であり、各値はデータ セットの対応する値です。

たとえば、列「name」と「age」にデータセット「data」の値を含むディクショナリ オブジェクトを作成するには、次のコードを使用できます。

データ = [「名前」、「年齢」] dict (データ)

