Yakagadziriswa: ForeignKey pakudzima django


Kana iyo ForeignKey yadzimwa muDjango, chero marekodhi anosanganisirwa mudhatabhesi anobviswa zvakare.

-models foreign-key cascade I have a model with a ForeignKey to another model. When the referenced model is deleted, I want the ForeignKey to be set to NULL. How can I do that? Read this post in context

Django - how to get all objects from one table which are not in another table? django I have two models: class Product(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=255) price = models.DecimalField(decimal_places=2, max_digits=10) class OrderItem(models.Model): product = models.ForeignKey('Product', on_delete=models.CASCADE) quantity = models.IntegerField() def __str__(self): return self.product How can i get all products which are not in OrderItem? Read this post in context

Django - how to create an object with a foreign key that doesn't exist yet django I am trying to create an object with a foreign key that doesn't exist yet (the user). The user will be created after the object is created and then it will be assigned as the foreign key for the object later on when it exists (in another view). This is my code: def add_to_cart(request, pk): product = get_object_or_404(Product, pk=pk) orderitem, created = OrderItem.objects ... Read this post in context

Django - kugadzira sei chinhu chine kiyi yekune imwe nyika iyo isipo parizvino django Ndiri kuyedza kugadzira chinhu chine kiyi yekune imwe nyika iyo isati yavapo (mushandisi). Mushandisi anozogadzirwa mushure mekunge chinhu chagadzirwa uye ipapo chinopihwa sekiyi yekune imwe nyika yechinhu gare gare kana chiripo (mune imwe maonero). Iyi ndiyo kodhi yangu: def add_to_cart(chikumbiro, pk): chigadzirwa = get_object_or_404(Chigadzirwa, pk=pk) orderitem, yakagadzirwa = OrderItem.objects ... Verenga chinyorwa ichi muchirevo

Django - kugadzira sei chinhu chine kiyi yekune imwe nyika iyo isipo parizvino django Ndiri kuyedza kugadzira chinhu chine kiyi yekune imwe nyika iyo isati yavapo (mushandisi). Mushandisi anozogadzirwa mushure mekunge chinhu chagadzirwa uye ipapo chinopihwa sekiyi yekune imwe nyika yechinhu gare gare kana chiripo (mune imwe maonero). Iyi ndiyo kodhi yangu: def add_to_cart(chikumbiro, pk): chigadzirwa = get_object_or_404(Chigadzirwa, pk=pk) orderitem, yakagadzirwa = OrderItem.objects ... Verenga chinyorwa ichi muchirevo

Ndingaite sei kuti Django ashandise yangu pasiwedhi password hashing algorithm? django Ndinoda kuti Django ashandise yangu pasiwedhi password hashing algorithm pachinzvimbo cheiyo default imwe. Ndingaita sei izvi? Verenga ichi chinyorwa muchirevo

Chii chinonzi ForeignKey

A ForeignKey inzvimbo yemuenzaniso inoreva modhi mune imwe modhi.

on_delete sarudzo

Pane mashoma akasiyana sarudzo dzekubata zvinodzimwa muDjango. Iyo yakapusa sarudzo ndeye kushandisa iyo delete() basa:

bvisa (chinhu)

Izvi zvinobvisa chinhu kubva mudhatabhesi uye chero data rakabatana. Kana chinhu chacho chiri muenzaniso wemuenzaniso, chichaitawo kuti chero nzvimbo dzakabatana dzirege kushanda.

Imwe sarudzo ndeye kushandisa kuparadza () basa:

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