Yakagadziriswa: shandura ruvara rwekurova kuburikidza nemutsara wemavara mune react native

Dambudziko guru rekushandura ruvara rwekurova kuburikidza nemutsara wemavara muReact Native nderekuti zvinogona kunetsa kuwana mhedzisiro yaunoda.

I have a text component in React Native and I want to change the color of the strike through line. How can I do this?


You can use the <code>textDecorationColor</code> style property: https://facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/text-style-props#textdecorationcolor
<code>&lt;Text style={{ textDecorationLine: 'line-through', textDecorationColor: 'red' }}&gt;Hello world!&lt;/Text&gt;</code>

React Native Strikethrough Text Uchishandisa iyo StyleSheet

MuReact Native, unogona kushandisa iyo styleSheet pfuma yeChinyorwa chikamu kuisa masitaera kune mameseji.

Kuti ushandise iyo styleSheet chivakwa, iwe unofanirwa kutanga wagadzira iyo StyleSheet chinhu. Ipapo, iwe unogona kushandisa iyo styleSheet chivakwa kuisa masitayipi kune mameseji.

Heino muenzaniso we mashandisiro eiyo styleSheet chivakwa kuisa masitayera kune mameseji muReact Native:

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