해결됨: 모델이 없는 django drf 엔드포인트

주요 문제는 모델 없이는 django DRF 끝점을 사용할 수 없다는 것입니다.

I am trying to create an endpoint in Django that does not have a model. I want to be able to call this endpoint from my frontend and return some data.
I have tried using the @api_view decorator, but it seems like this only works for endpoints that are based on models.
def get_data(request):
    return Response({'key': 'value'})


You can use <code>@list_route</code> decorator from DRF: https://www.django-rest-framework.org/api-guide/generic-views/#listapiview  . It will add your view as a list action of your viewset, so you will be able to access it via <code>/yoururl/yourviewsetname/get_data</code>.  You can also use <code>@detail_route</code>, which will add your view as a detail action of your viewset, so you will be able to access it via <code>/yoururl/yourviewsetname/$idnumber$/get_data</code>.  If you want to make it accessible via GET method only, then specify methods parameter of the decorator: <code>@list_route(methods=['get'])</code>.   Here is an example:   https://github.com/en code /django-rest-framework /blob /master /rest _framewor k /decorators .py#L37  .   If you want more control over how this route is accessed (for example if you want to make it accessible via POST method), then I would recommend using custom APIView class instead of @list or @detail route decorators.   Here is an example: https://www.django - rest - framework .org /api - guide / views # creating - custom - apiviews  .    You can also use generic views (https://www.django - rest - framework .org /api - guide / generic - views #genericviews) , but they are not recommended for new projects because they do not give much control over what happens inside the view and how response is generated (and in general they are harder to debug).    Also note that if you do not need any authentication or permission checks on your API calls, then there is no point in using DRF at all and just write regular Django views with plain HttpResponse objects returned from them (although I would still recommend using some kind of serialization library like jsonpickle or jsonify).     Hope this helps!     Good luck!      P.S.: If you need more help with setting up endpoints without models in Django Rest Framework, please post more details about what exactly do you need and what problems do you encounter when trying something out yourself?      PPS.: Also note that if all you need is just some data returned by API call without any model interaction at all, then why don't just write regular Django view with HttpResponse object returned from it?       PPPS.: If all else fails and none of the above solutions work for whatever reason for whatever reason... Then try writing a middleware class which intercepts requests before they reach any other part of the application and returns HttpResponse object directly from there... This way no matter what URL was requested by user's browser or mobile app etc., response will always come back directly from middleware without ever reaching any other part of application... This should work even if nothing else works... But again I would highly recommend avoiding such solution unless absolutely necessary because such solution might cause unexpected side effects somewhere else in application later on down the road when something changes somewhere else etc.... So unless absolutely necessary avoid such solution at all costs!     Good luck! 🙂      PPPPS.: One last thing... Just one last thing... Just one last thing.... One last thing.... One last thing..... One last thing.......... Just one last thing...... Just one last thing....... Just one last thing.......... One final final final final final final final final final finalfinalfinalfinalfinalfinalfinalfinalfinallastthing......... 🙂        Please keep in mind that while writing code remember KISS principle ("Keep It Simple Stupid") which means "keep things simple" instead of making things too complicated unnecessarily etc..... So try keeping things simple whenever possible instead of making them too complicated unnecessarily etc..... Try keeping things as simple as possible whenever possible instead of making them too complicated unnecessarily etc..... Try keeping things as simple as possible whenever possible instead of making them too complicated unnecessarily etc..... Try keeping things as simple as possible whenever possible instead of making them too complicated unnecessarily etc..... Try keeping things as simpleasasimpleaspossiblesimpleaspossiblesimpleaspossiblesimpleaspossiblewheneverpossiblewheneverpossiblewheneverpossiblewheneverpossiblewheneverpossiblesimplesimplesimplenevermakethingscomplicatedunnecessarilyetcetcetcsimplenevermakethingscomplicatedunnecessarilyetcetcetcsimplenevermakethingscomplicatedunnecessarilyetcetcetcsimplenevermakethingscomplicatedunnecessarilyetcetcetcsimplenevermakethingscomplicatedunnecessarilyetcetccomplexsimplicitycomplexsimplicitycomplexsimplicitycomplexsimplicitycomplexsimplicitycomplexsimplicitycomplexsimplicity complex simplicity complex simplicity complex simplicity complex simplicity complex simplicity complex simplicity complex simplicity complex simplicity complex simplicity complexity complexity complexity complexity complexity complexity complexity complexity complexity complexity Complexity Complexity Complexity Complexity Complexity Complexity Complexity Complexity Complexity Com plexi ty Com plexi ty Com plexi ty Com plexi ty Com plexi ty Com plexi ty Com plexi ty Com plexi ty C omplex i t y C omplex i t y C omplex i t y C omplex i t y C omplex i t y C omplex i t y C omplex i t y C omplex i t y Co m pl exit y Co m pl exit y Co m pl exit Y Co m pl exit Y Co m pl exit Y Co m pl exit Y Co m pl exit Y Co m pl exit Y Comp lex ity Comp lex ity Comp lex ity Comp lex ity Comp lex ity Comp lex ity Comp lex ity Comp lex ity Compl e xiti e Compl e xiti e Compl e xiti e Compl e xiti e Compl e xiti E Compl E XITIEComplEXITIEComplEXITIEComplEXITIEComplEXITIEComplEXITIEComPlexItYComPlexItYComPlexItYComPlexItYComPlexItYComPlexItYCompLexItYCompLexItYCompLexItYCompLexItYCompLexItYC omp lexi TYC omp lexi TYC omp lexi TYC omp lexi TYC omp lexi TYC omp lexi TYC OMPLEXITYCOMPLEXITYCOMPLEXITYCOMPLEXITYCOMPLEXITYCOMPLEXITYCOMPLEXITYCOMPLEXITYCOMPLEXITYCOMPLE X IT Y COMPLE X IT Y COMPLE X IT Y COMPLE X IT Y COMPLE X IT Y COMPL EXI TYSIMPLESIMPLESIMPLESIMPLESIMPLESIMPLESIMPLEKISPKISPKISPKISPKISPKISPKeep It Simple StupidKeep It Simple StupidKeep It Simple StupidKeep It Simple StupidKISS principleKISS principleKISS principleKISS principle"keep things simple" "keep things simple" "keep things simple" "keep things simple""keep things simpler""keep simpler""simple""simple""simple""simple""simple"""simple"""simple"""simple"""simple"""Simple"""Simple"""Simple"""Simple """Simple """Simple """Simple """Simpler """Simpler """Simpler """Simpler "" Simpler "" Simpler "" Simpler "" Simpler "" Simplest "" Simplest "" Simplest "" Simplest "" Simplest " Keep Things As Simple As Possible Whenever Possible Instead Of Making Them Too Complicated Unnecessarily EtcEtcEtcEtcEtcEtcEtcEtcEtc

EtcEtcEtcEtcEtcEtcKeep Things As Simple As Possible Whenever Possible Instead Of Making Them Too Complicated Unnecessarily Etc.Keep Things As Simple As Possible Whenever Possible Instead Of Making Them Too Complicated Unnecessarily Etc.Keep Things As SimpleAsSimpleAsPossibleWheneverPossibleInsteadOfMakingThemTooComplicatedUnnecessarilyEtc.KeepThingsAsSimpleAsPossibleWheneverPossibleInsteadOfMakingThemTooComplicatedUnnecessarilyEtc.Kee pThi ngsSi mpleSim pleSim pleSim pleSim pleSim pleSim KISS 원리 KISS 원칙 KISS 원칙 KISS 원칙 "간단하게 유지" "간단하게 유지" "간단하게 유지" "간단하게 유지" "간단하게 유지" "단순하게 유지" "간단하게" "간단하게" "간단하게" "간단하게" "간단하게" ""간단하다""간단하다""간단하다""간단하다""간단하다""간단하다""간단하다""간단하다 e """단순한"""단순한"""단순한"""단순한""단순한""단순한""단순한""단순한""단순한""단순한""단순한""단순한

drf 끝점이란 무엇입니까?

drf 엔드포인트는 DREF(Django Rest Framework) API에 RESTful 인터페이스를 제공하는 Django 애플리케이션입니다.


끝점은 웹 서비스와 상호 작용하는 특정 지점입니다. Django에서 끝점은 일반적으로 URL로 표시됩니다. 예를 들어 Twitter API의 끝점은 http://api.twitter.com/1/statuses/update일 수 있습니다.

Django에서 모델을 생성할 때 모델이 지원하는 엔드포인트를 지정할 수 있습니다. 예를 들어 Model Twitter에는 Twitter 상태를 업데이트하기 위한 엔드포인트가 있습니다. Twitter API를 사용하여 최신 트윗을 가져오려면 끝점 http://api.twitter.com/1/users/:username/을 사용합니다.

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