Solved: notifications mac
- Solved: add gesture recognizer to uiview
- Solved: add shadow to collection view cell
- Solved: change device wise font size
- Solved: Convert Kelvin into Celsius
- Solved: create balloon animation
- Solved: dart capitalize first letter of each word
- Solved: Detect if device is ipad or iphone
- Solved: double to string
- Solved: find object in array by property
- Solved: fnb swift code
- Solved: format decimal place
- Solved: get device name
- Solved: get distance between two uiview
- Solved: How do I check if a string contains another string
- Solved: How do I see which version of Swift I’m using
- Solved: how to change the font of buttons programmatically
- Solved: how to disable uitableview selection
- Solved: how to replace certain characters in string
- Solved: how to show only 2 decimal places
- Solved: main thread
- Solved: on swipe get contentoffset swift collectionview
- Solved: #pragma mark
- Solved: print document directory path
- Solved: random element from array
- Solved: random string
- Solved: regular expression for number less than 100
- Solved: remove last character from string
- Solved: save date to userdefaults
- Solved: scala print object type
- Solved: settimeout
- Solved: show alert with textfield
- Solved: Split a String into an array
- Solved: 5 delay dismiss view controller
- Solved: 5 get current year
- Solved: add button to container
- Solved: append element to array
- Solved: array to string
- Solved: change button text
- Solved: change navigation bar color
- Solved: convert dictionary to json