Solved: show grants on table

Oracle SQL is a powerful database management system that provides a robust environment for managing data. One of the essential functionalities it provides is the ability to manage user permissions for a particular table using the GRANT statement. This feature is essential for maintaining data security, as it ensures only authorized individuals can perform operations on the table. In this article, we will delve into how to `SHOW GRANTS ON TABLE` in Oracle SQL and explain each step of the process in detail.

Understanding the concept and execution of Oracle SQL’s GRANT statement is crucial. It is a command ensured to safeguard data by managing user permissions. GRANT statement creates levels of access to the Oracle SQL database, thus promoting data security.


Deciphering the Code

In the preceding Oracle SQL code, the GRANT statement is used to give permissions (or rights) to a user. The keywords SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE represent different permissions that can be granted to the user. In the context of this particular code, `some_user` now has the rights to perform selection, insertion, updates, and deletion operations on the `table_name`.

Showing Grants on a Table

As crucial as it is to grant privileges, it is equally important to know which users hold what kind of permission for a particular table. Oracle SQL doesn’t support the `SHOW GRANTS` statement directly, but we achieve this by querying the `USER_TAB_PRIVS` system view, which displays the object privileges granted to a user.

SELECT * FROM USER_TAB_PRIVS WHERE table_name = ‘your_table_name_here’;

Understanding the Output

When you issue the above query, it will return a list of privileges for ‘your_table_name_here’. The columns of the output can be understood as follows:

  • GRANTEE: The user to whom the privilege was granted.
  • TABLE_NAME: The name of the object (here, table) to which the privilege applies.
  • PRIVILEGE: The type of access granted. This could be SELECT, INSERT, DELETE, etc.

Revoking Privileges in Oracle SQL

In some instances, you may need to revoke some or all of the privileges you previously granted to a user. For this, you’d use the REVOKE statement. The following example revokes the DELETE privilege on ‘your_table_name_here’ from ‘some_user’.

REVOKE DELETE ON your_table_name_here FROM some_user;

Understanding how to effectively manage the permissions in your Oracle SQL database through the `GRANT`, `REVOKE` and system views is invaluable for maintaining data security, ensuring only authorized personnel can perform actions on your database tables.

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