Solved: youtube-dl python not found

The main problem is that you are using an outdated version of Python. YouTube-dl requires version 3.6 or later.

This code will not work because the youtube-dl module is not installed. To install youtube-dl, run "pip install youtube-dl" in your terminal.


YouTube-dl is a command-line tool for downloading videos from YouTube. It can be used to download videos in a variety of formats, including MP4, 3GP, and FLV.

Alternatives to youtube-dl

There are a few alternatives to youtube-dl in Python. One is the YouTube Data API, which provides access to YouTube videos and related data. Another is the youtube-dl module, which provides a command-line interface for downloading videos from YouTube.

How to download Youtube Vídeos

There are a few ways to download YouTube videos in Python. The simplest way is to use the YouTube API. You can find more information about the YouTube API here. Another way is to use the youtube-dl library. This library can be installed using pip:

pip install youtube-dl

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