Solved: transfer learning in python with custom dataset

The main problem with transferring learning from one dataset to another is that the datasets may not be comparable. For example, if you are trying to learn how to predict a customer’s behavior from their past purchases, you might use a dataset of past purchase data from customers who have already been interviewed by your company. However, if you want to use this same learning algorithm to predict the behavior of new customers, your dataset might only include purchase data from customers who have contacted your company recently. This would make it difficult to transfer the learning algorithm successfully.

This is a guide to transfer learning in Python with a custom dataset.

Transfer learning is a machine learning technique where you use a model trained on one task to perform another related task. For example, you might use a model trained on image classification to perform object detection.

To do transfer learning in Python, you will need to have a dataset for the task you want to perform (e.g., images for image classification or text for text classification). You will also need a pre-trained model that you can use as a starting point for your own custom model.

There are many different ways to do transfer learning, but we will focus on two of the most common: fine-tuning and feature extraction.

Fine-tuning is where you take a pre-trained model and retrain it on your own dataset. This can be done by adding new layers to the existing model or by training the existing layers with new data. Feature extraction is where you take the features learned by a pre-trained model and use them in your own custom model. This is often done by adding a new classification layer on top of the extracted features.

Both fine-tuning and feature extraction can be done using the Python library Keras. Keras makes it easy to work with pre-trained models and provides many helpful utilities for building custom models.

We will start by looking at how to fine-tune a pre-trained model on a new dataset. We will use the VGG16 model, which was trained on the ImageNet dataset, as our starting point. ImageNet is a large dataset of images that have been classified into 1000 different categories.

First, we need to load the VGG16 model. We can do this using the Keras function `load_model`.

This code line loads the VGG16 model using the Keras function load_model.


A dataset is a collection of data. In Python, datasets are typically organized into files. Files in a dataset can be read by the Python interpreter or used as input to Python functions.


A dataset is a collection of data. In Python, datasets are typically organized into files. Files in a dataset can be read by the Python interpreter or used as input to a Python program.

A dataset can also be stored in a database. In this case, the dataset is accessible through the database’s API.


A dataframe is a powerful data structure in Python that allows you to store and manipulate data in a tabular format. Dataframes are particularly useful for working with large amounts of data, as they allow you to easily access and manipulate individual pieces of data without having to worry about organizing it into a more conventional structure.

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